Yeah, if mitt gets elected it will get much worse for medical patients. Obama atleast was more hands off than hands on and for the most part let states do what they wanted for a while it seemed, but Mitt will be hands on and agressive inside of 6 months, and the border war will rage on even more once the Mexicans realize the black market just had a bunch of old customers show back up looking for dealers cause the pot shops ALL got shut down nation wide.
War is profitable in MOST cases. The conserative right wing, the "I am more moral than you because I go to Church every Sunday and wash my sin away." crowd. Keep this one going because they profit on BOTH sides of the issues. Brain washed automotons so araid of loosing those terrible jobs they can't make a decent living on. $2 million dollar home, 6 cars, 3.2 kids in different prep schools and colleges, work 3 hours a day once a week a few times of the year, play golf and go skiing the rest of the year. Good thing they can do both of these things in 1 day in California. That way they can have their underpaid personal army of secret service men go to the dispensary for them. While they are in Tiajuana buying 100 kilos of heroine.
How dare they demand that I must ask permission for and have fear of incarceration for excersizing my personal right to feel healthier by using a product of mother nature?
Anyway <jumps off soap box, LOL!> I for one think that if any of these guys gets in it will be a miracle. The current administration is now reporting a decrease in unemployment and a spike in the economy. These where the last items needed to secure another 4 years. Of course playing the devil's advocate, we all know statistical numbers and media coverage can
NEVER be manipulated right?
Lets's face it, no matter who's face is in front of the camera a politician is a politician. It is time we stand up and take our right to be FREE Americans. We all need to do our part. Whether it be joining an activist group, signing a petition, being brave like the woman in this post that almost got knocked down by a man who claims has her rights and best interests in mind and wants her vote, growing our own for us, our families, and some other of the other voters who are dying in needless pain?
Oh geeze someone take this soap box away from me!
How can I stand too pontificate so shamelessly? Because to quote Peter Finch in Network"...
l'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!!