• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

romney committed a federal felony?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

I think you are a bit confused and mistaken. The source, George Soros funded Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, I purposely linked to discredit any kind of conservative bias whining from Noxiously. And I believe the historical data was from 2011 not 2013, unless of course you can point out otherwise.
social security medicare and medicaid are NOTY part of the deficit, they are separate and discrete programs with their own funding, and they are all currently solvent, thus they have no bearing on the deficit, debt or revenue shortfalls.

in brief they are paid for, and if the politicians in washington could get their fingers out of the pie, they would remain solvent for some time. adding in social security, medicare and medicaid simply makes the numbers look bigger with ZERO substance.

soros likes to include these numbers on the bonus side when a leftist is facing the tough questions, and the negative side when he is shifting blame to somebody else. its all just a meaningless five-knuckle shuffle, and we get stuck mopping up the floors in the diseased porno theatre of washington, and the glory-hole aisle on K street.

look at the attribution on the bottom of their graph for the mysterious future history data from the year 2525.
View attachment 2257454

source: 2011 figures from the OMB and "FY 2013 Historical Tables" :oops: Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!!!!


Ursus marijanus
Conclusion: Soros believes in the Dec. 2012 apocalypse! Dang chiliasts. Raping unnderripe chilis. Pro tip: the ripe ones are hotter. cn


New Member
social security medicare and medicaid are NOTY part of the deficit, they are separate and discrete programs with their own funding, and they are all currently solvent, thus they have no bearing on the deficit, debt or revenue shortfalls.

in brief they are paid for, and if the politicians in washington could get their fingers out of the pie, they would remain solvent for some time. adding in social security, medicare and medicaid simply makes the numbers look bigger with ZERO substance.

Well perhaps I can learn something here.
Our current annual payroll revenues that fund SS, Medicare and Medicaid are around $840billion. Annual SS expenditures are now at $740billion alone, Medicaid and Medicare add another $798billion, that's a total of $1.3 trillion, where is the extra revenue coming from to fund these mandatory budget programs?

soros likes to include these numbers on the bonus side when a leftist is facing the tough questions, and the negative side when he is shifting blame to somebody else. its all just a meaningless five-knuckle shuffle, and we get stuck mopping up the floors in the diseased porno theatre of washington, and the glory-hole aisle on K street.

look at the attribution on the bottom of their graph for the mysterious future history data from the year 2525.
View attachment 2257454

source: 2011 figures from the OMB and "FY 2013 Historical Tables" :oops: Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!!!!
I see what you're saying, not sure if it's a typo or what, but regardless, that's what I get for using a leftie website for a reference! LOL

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I see what you're saying, not sure if it's a typo or what, but regardless, that's what I get for using a leftie website for a reference! LOL
trusting George Soros puts me in mind of the story of the frog and the scorpion...

also his numbers dont add up, and NOT just due to rounding or estimations. his math is faulty, designed to create talking points and misleading impressions for his own ends.

when taken as a whole, social security, medicare medicaid and unemployment make up 56.7% of all federal exppenditures, but since they are all independently financed, solvent and stable they have ZERO impact of the deficit or debt, and if left alone, and not looted they will remain solvent for the foreseeable future.

including these separate, independently funded programs in the overall federal budget is just an example of numbers being twisted to feed the medias hunger for scandal and bullshit.

my grandmother always said "numbers dont lie, but liars use numbers."

source: fy 2008 budget (the last budget actually passed and used by congress and the federal mandarins.)

artificially inflating the pie with unrelated numbers to make their wasteful spending seem puny by comparison is a trick that should fool no-one by now.

this is wht social security medicare and medicaid take up more than half the federal spending on monday, and the DOD takes up more than half on friday.

FACT: when you strip out the social security medicare and medicaid spending the spending pie becomes much smaller, and the graft deceit waste and shenanigans become more obvious.
FACT: when one is up to shenanigans they include the new deal numbers to distort the scale and scope of those shenanigans.
FACT: the other side will strip away new deal spending to expose the waste of the other side.
FACT: they will stuff the new deal spending right back in when somebody looks a little too close at THEIR shenanigans.
FACT: they are all crooked dirty liars, which party pimps them is irrelevant.
FACT: except George Soros and Michael Moore, they are both crusted fecal stains.
FACT: Newt Gingrich and Glen Beck are both also fecal stains.
FACT: Washington needs an enema, and new underpants.
FACT: Barack Obama also believes in the fantasy land of "future history" (he has based his entire regime on it)
this dinkbag has published "historical tables" for next year already.


he even takes it to that long ago time of 2017. barack is almost as good a history professor as he is a constitutional scholar...

"Historical Tables provides data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time period, generally from 1940 or earlier to 2013 or 2017." ~ Barry Soetoro's time travelling crackpipe.



Well-Known Member
A lesson in Irony:The food stamp program administered by the Dept. of Agriculture is actually proud of the fact that is is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever!Meanwhile, the national park service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, says "Please do not feed the animals" Their stated reason for the police is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves...This ends today's lesson for libtards!2010 was just the start... ;)
Never mind that this little "parable" has been flung around the internet for the past several years - and we are called libtards while those who repeat unthinkingly are the intelligent ones right?


Well-Known Member
Never mind that this little "parable" has been flung around the internet for the past several years - and we are called libtards while those who repeat unthinkingly are the intelligent ones right?
The park service wants you to not feed animals becuase they lose their fear of humans

And you really dont want a half ton grizzly in your car

I guess conservatism as practiced by todays fright wing parrots

Really is a mental disorder


Well-Known Member
It's still dependence. The left is adept at re-packaging the same poison.
No its not. The wild animals can go fend for themselves. But like the richer diet provided by humans

We are humans and hold ourselves in higher regards to animals


If you think you are going to eat better on welfare
Then quit your job and your bitching and go join them


Well-Known Member
Not all of us hold ourselves in higher regard than animals. Those are the ones referred to here who are dependent. It's a fact of human nature. My job and your idea of what bitching consists of have nothing to do with this. Dumb ass.
Then get rid of your clothes and move out to a forest and become an animal
no one is stopping you
Maybe they will have a permit process to hunt you once a year


Well-Known Member
Is that supposed to mean something? You strike me as someone who lives in the city off some welfare queen.
suburbs, actually. the wife is loaded, she can live off her investment income for the next 10 years.

me? i sell treadmills, they are a great thing for getting in shape and living a healthy lifestyle. can i interest you in a treadmill?


Well-Known Member
Dependence breeds dependence. You can't argue with human nature.

I can but I won't because my argument would be flawed but I have used this before - conservatives believe in teaching a starving man to fish, but let that starving man ask for a hook and a line and the conservative will cry socialism.

This has been a very entertaining thread, wish I had gotten here sooner - seems that Sister is clapping herself on the back as being such a smart cookie while spouting word for word, sentence for sentence rightis indoctrination. This is what I have been talking about when I mention inheredited ideology. at first blush, all of sister's statments make sense to someone who actually believes that they have made their own way in the world and that everyone else in that world should behave just as sister has. That is the root of all of her falacious thinking. The "libtard" comments don't help her argument either. Seems Keys has this thing pretty pegged.