sponsered grow journal!


Well-Known Member
Day 26:

Plant Update:

Well first off Here's an updated Photo of the group.
I'm very happy with all the progress they've made even though this is possibly the most unorganized grow I've EVER done.

New Problems:
The plant in the tallest pot had malformed leaves because they grew around the cup they started in. Because of this, when it went under the HPS light they burned up from the tip to about half way.
Realistically this is not a major problem, but I had to move the light higher and even out the canopy none the less.

Security Problem:

The next problem I'm up against I've known about for a while...
I currently rent, because of this I have a house inspection coming up.
I'm fine for now because they are all small and have no smell at the moment.
This is also the reason why I've been using this god awful closet.
So... I'm going to have to turn everything off and make sure that it will not be looked at twice.

Grow room update:
I've come up with this as a target design, I've employed it previously while growing northern lights and it was pulling out around 1.5 pounds every 6 weeks from a 9 plant rotation.
It can however be used to grow up to 16 plants (1 per square foot).

I'm going to try with 16 plants eventually with a ScrOG design just to see how it goes, but for now I'm going to use only the 10 that I have already growing and only 1 grow chamber.

Next Post:
I'll be building a flower box, and I'll have a step by step guide with high res photo's... I swear :roll:... that is as long as this damn torrential rain fucks off!


Active Member
i hope your inspection goes well that would suck to hear that you got busted and then we dont get to see your sweet p-ants grow up


Well-Known Member
nah I'll be fine, I doubt that they will even go into my garage, but you know... just in case.


Well-Known Member
Day 32:

Plant Progress:

Here's a group shot of the girls, all of them except the one in the large pot I believe are root bound because their growth has slowed down considerably.
although humidity has also been a real hassle lately, reaching 98-100% on occasion, it's because it's been flooding here on a regular basis and its all evaporating.
I'm going to put a dehumidifier in there once the new room is complete.


as you've seen in the previous posts the room is 3'x4' and 6' tall.

here's what the whole construction is based around, the 3'x4' base and ceiling that will be connected by the 6' battens.

Because it is a pain in the ass to build the ends first and THEN lift the ceiling up, we're going to build the sides first and then connect them with the 3' battens.

Next we're going to drill and screw the base and then the ceiling into place to create a "box".

once this is done mark out your fan size as shown below and then drill some holes around the edge large enough to fit the jigsaw blade through.

once that is done screw it into place on the side, or on the top if you wish.
I'm mounting the fan on the wall because the ducting has to go to the right of the box, by putting it on the wall I can minimize the bends in the ducting an therefore increase airflow.

well thats all for now because every hydro shop in town is shut for a weed carnival up north and I cant get any black and white poly until Monday.

can everyone please NOT POST in my journal until I have finished the build.


Well-Known Member
Day 48:

I finished the new grow room about a week ago but I have been WAY to busy to get photo's and post and what not.

Plant Progress:
they've all picked back up from their crappy grow room experience, and I found that they all lacked nitrogen and were not root bound, I gave them a decent feed and now they are back 100%. the crappy wick hydro system I've got going is not doing the trick, the plant wasn't ment to be here this long, it was ment to be gone over 3 weeks ago but my friend wont pick it up.

I've also changed them over to the 12/12 cycle

I've not taken any clones because I dont have the equipment at the moment, and I just spent the last of my cash on the grow room.
I will however be breeding some of the sweet tooth to get a seed stock for my out door grow this year, and I'll be re-vegging one of the females to take some clones from.

Here's a shot of them on day 43

taken today about 5 hours ago.

one of the biggest (about 1.5' tall)

Grow box update:
unfortunately I didn't take any more photo's of the build because my friend that was helping me couldn't make it.

heres a shot of the box from the outside.

basically I just stapled some Black and white poly up to make a tent and sealed it with duct tape, the beauty of this design is that it can be put up within a day and taken down within a few minutes (an hour if you want to reuse the poly)


Well-Known Member
I really like your design for the SOG grow room. Nice.
actually it will be a SCRoG but theres not much point in putting the screen in just yet.

that looks mint bro, how much did that setup cost you?
600wHPS light ballast and shade off ebay: AU$250 Incl P&H
grow room frame: AU$15
Grow room black and white polly: AU$36
10 X 250mm Plastic pots: AU$19

and prolly about another AU$100 for things like soil, nutes, timers, extension leads... etc.

I plan on replaceing the 600w with a 1000w HPS, building another grow room of this hight with a HPS 1000W and then one about half the hight with a 600w MH conversion bulb hooked into my HPS 600w ballast.


Well-Known Member
SOG are plants from clone that are flowered pretty early and kept short usually done in numbers, hence Sea Of Green. whereas SCRog, is SCREEN of Green, plants are trained by you and the screen to develop an even canopy and more potential budsites!


Well-Known Member
thanks, I've done grows in the past, quite a few actually, but with moving I've been able to upgrade to a larger setup and brush up on my skills.