Rollitup Noob reporting for duty (with a bunch of questions)

Mr Farmer

Greetings and salutations everybody. i just happen to stumble across this forum about an hour or so ago. As you can see.. i joined right away. But i'm having problems loading pictures into an album. could somebody please help walk me through this? i would love to show everybody the fruits of my labor. But alas.. i can't find the upload pictures option. i see the attachment option when making a thread but i can't figure out the album thing (or how to post a picture on somebody else's thread).

Thank you in advance


Active Member
Welcome! I have had issues with pics. When you reply there is an icon to upload pics. Sometimes it loads a pop up asking for a URL instead of allowing you to browse your machine for pics. I have to close my browser, open a new one to get it going again. Hope this helps!