rollitup new layout :)

the old layout was better this ones shit it was the old layout that made this site good nowit looks shit like the other weed forums
I'm likin' the new layout. It'll take getting used to but it definitely looks more clean than that out dated old layout :lol:
I havn't figured it out yet,,and yes it's new,,everyone likes the same old same old,,,,,but I like new,,so I'm gonna Get Up and Get Down With the Sickness,,,,Cheers Rollitup and Keep on Movin Forward
I have no clue how to blog,,so I guess i'll figure it out eventually,,Persistence Perserverance and Patcience,,,,and all out stubborness not to ask for directions like most males
i dont like any of these actually really disappointed right now. i liked the site because of how easy it was to navigate and stuff, but this just doesnt really seem to work for me at all. :(
the new logo reads "rollitu" The message bubble that is shaped like a D but is to represent a P...doesn't read well...and what does the circle in the upper right corner of the "P" represent? The seed d00d looks cool though.