Rollitup, I'm writing a book about growing MJ indoors and I want your advice...


Active Member
I just got a deal writing a "How to Grow Cannabis for Dummies" style book (though it won't be named that). I don't plan on writing a Marijuana Grow Bible. I want to write a book for the new grower which walks them through the whole growing process and doesn't overload them with unnecessarily information. I want to make it so that anyone can read this short and straightforward book, and then be able to successfully produce their own dank buds. Growing marijuana can actually be easy when one has the right information, and I want to make that information available to the hobbyist or weekend grower who doesn't have a lot of time or money to devote to their grow.

My plan is to include a three sections. The first section would provide the reader with a basic explanation of the plant's life cycle and needs. The second section would discuss different types of lights and set-ups, and walk the reader through the process of choosing the right equipment for their budget and space requirements. In the last section, I'd like to include three or four step-by-step tutorials that actually walk the reader through the whole process of growing their marijuana from beginning to end.

I'm thinking of doing tutorials for these set-ups:
  • Basic Soil Grow
  • Basic Hand-Watered Coco Coir/Perlite Grow
  • Bubbleponic Grow with the Stealth Hydro
  • Hempy Bucket or other Deep Water Culture Hydroponic Grow
  • Micro-Grow (I'm thinking about growing in a computer case)

I need to get the above list down to 3-4 different methods because I'm going to have to grow all these set-ups simultaneously, and I don't know if I can maintain five separate setups at once. I should mention that up until now, I've only ever grown hydroponically, so I'm a little shy about including a soil grow in the book. I'd really need to research growing in soil before I felt comfortable writing about it, and to add to the pressure, I'd have to document my very first soil grow in a book! However, I know that soil is a very common way to grow marijuana and I feel like I should probably include a how-to in my book if I want the book to appeal to the widest audience...

So my question is, which tutorials/how-tos out of the above list do you think I should include? I completely open to any suggestions or new ideas. Also Rollitup, if there's anything else you'd like to see in a book, I'd love to hear about it!


Well-Known Member
why not create a website for all types of growing with different forums for different subjects. And people can post pics to get help or show off the girls. Wouldn't that be better ?


Active Member
The thing is, while all the information is out there, it's really hard to put it all together as a new grower. I know when I got started, it all seemed so overwhelming. There's so much advice out there about growing, some good, and some that's bad or worse. When I was getting started, I really wished there was some sort of resource that just explained step-by-step what you need to do to get through your first grow. After my first grow, I had so much confidence and it was way easier to go out and wade through all the information to find what I was looking for, but before you get started it feels like information overload. There's also some topics which seem impossible to find good information about, like LEDs. I had to find out which companies made good LEDs for marijuana using my own money and time, and back then I wished that someone had documented all that information and made it available to the rest of the community. I figure I might as well share my own research and techniques that I've discovered, and make it available. I'm hoping to make my book available as a PDF too so it's cheap and available to everyone.


Well-Known Member
I thought most cannabis growing books are normally written by people that have been growing for years, im not putting noobs down as im also a noob and still learning new things everyday.

I just dont think a book written by a noob about his first grow would be worth it, as a pdf yes maybe as it wouldnt cost nothing but a book no way

maybe get a few years experience before you attempt it and note everything down over the years

experience experience experience


Active Member

I do have a lot of experience growing, I've just never grown in soil. I've always grown in soilless mediums like coco coir/perlite, and then I moved straight to deep water culture and bubbleponics. Upon further consideration, I've decided to only include methods which I have a lot of experience with. I'll explain the basics of a soil grow, but I won't go into detail about it or include it as one of my detailed how-tos. Thanks for the advice!

I thought most cannabis growing books are normally written by people that have been growing for years, im not putting noobs down as im also a noob and still learning new things everyday.

I just dont think a book written by a noob about his first grow would be worth it, as a pdf yes maybe as it wouldnt cost nothing but a book no way

maybe get a few years experience before you attempt it and note everything down over the years

experience experience experience


Well-Known Member
why not create a website for all types of growing with different forums for different subjects. And people can post pics to get help or show off the girls. Wouldn't that be better ?
I agree with this poster.
I've been waiting forever for something like this.
And the cool thing, it would be advise, ideas, and help
given for free. Although, sometimes you get what you pay for.
Maybe we can get the rollitup guys working on it??


Well-Known Member
my only thought was this. if you need to come to a growing forum and ask everyone for input for your book, you shouldn't be writing said book. i say this because:
A. while there are quite a few pros on this site, noobs still outnumber them (i am one of them).
B. you are still going by hear-say, and your references will be nothing short of sad (imagine all your captions and pictures saying "see RollItUp for details") and
C. People tend to write about things that they themselves are already an expert on.

i guess what iam saying is, asking us for advice would be like the president asking YOU for advice on the oil spill. sure you have an opinion, we all do, but it doesnt mean our opinion is right. Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, these people are in their own right pros. agreeing or disagreeing with their styles is one thing, but they at least ran their own tests, documented their own research, and wrote a book based on THEIR findings. it was not a collaboration of opinions from a website.


Well-Known Member
my only thought was this. if you need to come to a growing forum and ask everyone for input for your book, you shouldn't be writing said book. i say this because:
A. while there are quite a few pros on this site, noobs still outnumber them (i am one of them).
B. you are still going by hear-say, and your references will be nothing short of sad (imagine all your captions and pictures saying "see RollItUp for details") and
C. People tend to write about things that they themselves are already an expert on.

i guess what iam saying is, asking us for advice would be like the president asking YOU for advice on the oil spill. sure you have an opinion, we all do, but it doesnt mean our opinion is right. Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, these people are in their own right pros. agreeing or disagreeing with their styles is one thing, but they at least ran their own tests, documented their own research, and wrote a book based on THEIR findings. it was not a collaboration of opinions from a website.
very well said i was wondering when someone would point out that hes asking everyone else for advice on writing a book..


Well-Known Member
This is like someone who has played volleyball deciding to write a book on how to play tennis without actually learning how to play tennis.

The Potologist

Active Member
Not only is the market already saturated with commercial growing books of all assortments, I really hope that you are not thinking you are going to strick it uber rich by writing another How to grow book. Just google it and you get unbelievable results of numerous different books already out there. People really dont need another book. There is to much free information on the web and most people who grow have friends that are willing to lend them a hand and such.

Brick Top

New Member
Not only is the market already saturated with commercial growing books of all assortments, I really hope that you are not thinking you are going to strick it uber rich by writing another How to grow book. Just google it and you get unbelievable results of numerous different books already out there. People really dont need another book. There is to much free information on the web and most people who grow have friends that are willing to lend them a hand and such.
If he wants to carry coals to Newcastle .... let him.


Well-Known Member
I think the problem here is that you're trying to write a book on topics that you have never done. Stick with what you know, hydro. If you want to write a book solely on how to grow hydro for dummies, then that's fine. But writing a section in your book about growing in soil and never having done it yourself... well... come on man.


Active Member
you do realize the conflict within sourcing material for your book from the public internet where anyone else in the history of ever can also go and look it up, right?

should i buy your book to read the chapter about soil growing or just read the public thread you started for people to tell you about it?

as someone who has a few published works (non-cannabis) i can tell you for sure that the "i'll ask rollitup" strategy wouldnt be my first recommendation. surely wouldnt get you published through anyone i know. and im not saying that to be a dick but writing a book is no small undertaking, it seems like maybe youre underestimating the nature of the process unless youre self-publishing.