rolling in cubans?


Well-Known Member
I got a few cohiba cuban cigars from a party I went to the other day, and was wondering if theres any way to roll a blunt with it?
I smoked one regularly, but honestly I dont see what all the fuss is about:roll::-?
It should be rolled in individual leaves, the hole thing is like the out side of a normal blunt. Thats makes it a pain in the ass im sure it can be done because ive done it with other cigars like a cuban but it was a bitch. And it didn't really taste that good but like I said it wasn't a cuban.
tckfui i honestly wouldnt recommend rolling a blunt with a real cigar (meaning not a philly, swisher, or whatever hood material you like) particularly a cuban cigar. Heres why. Blunt wraps, swishers and phillys are all paper, that contain mild amounts of nicotine at best. Cigars are wrapped in natural leaf tobacco, and Cubans (although i disagree a bit) are supposed to be powerful cigars, so the leaves will have a big effect on you. In my opinion, even if you took the time to rewrap a blunt with tobacco leaves, the results would be terrible, like sore stomach probably gonna yack somewhere terrible. But thats just my .02
If you live in the US Cohibas sell for 20-100+ dollars each. You would be better off going to the local cigar shop and seeing if they would buy them from you. Then just buy some blunt wraps or something. They are hand rolled Cuban cigars. Making a blunt out them is the equivalent to throwing a cigarette butt on the ground and pouring a bottle of Cristal on the butt just to put it out. That is honestly a waste of a great cigar.
the only "big deal" with cuban cigars is that wer have trade embargoes on cuba so they arent allowed to be sold here they arent that great

maybe if your into cigars but when i smoked them they made me wanna gag and would be a bitch to roll with

they are just sort of hard to get so they are like a novelty item for rich folks
the only "big deal" with cuban cigars is that wer have trade embargoes on cuba so they arent allowed to be sold here they arent that great

maybe if your into cigars but when i smoked them they made me wanna gag and would be a bitch to roll with

they are just sort of hard to get so they are like a novelty item for rich folks

Damn thoes rich people!!!!!!!
man that suckis:evil: