Roll-up! Roll-up!... win a prize!


Active Member
still no pics... still dont care to guess... theres no point- its a crap shoot...

31.7 if ur lucky...

dont get upset buddy, its just a bit of fun.

yes its a crap shot but it all i got at the moment, my little sis lost my memory chip from my cam so not much I can do till I get back from my hols.

that sure is a funny way of not caring to guess btw ;)

i'm sure you'll take a better guess when i take better pic

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
thats heartier than i imagined... a side pic would be nice... I am such a hassle lol...

but I will stick with my guess, 31.7, but i will revoke the if your lucky, and give that a low count, meaning if anything I'd expect more- cuz that looks very bushy and healthy-

Great plant, cant wait to follow the results.


New Member
Yeah give the guys a break here. He is just being creative and having a bit of fun.
Not hurting anyone.
Its cute :)


Active Member
off to the meds tomorrow for a couple a weeks woohoo!:mrgreen: so I'll post you lovely peeps when i get back. the plant was slowly and safely driven to my friends house in a black dust bin-liner and my heart nearly jumped out the window when a police car decided to show up 1 car ahead of me, but its there now with her little sisters from the same pac of seeds we got, i think they are under 12/12 so maybe some porn.. i mean bud shots when I next post on here in 2 weeks. those estimates are looking healthier btw more towards what I am hoping for hehe

peace, love and happy growing