Rogue Piggies (Officers)


Not too long ago I was caught with my pants down by the police hot boxing my car.... yes i had just got some very very nice psychoberry my guy just got in.

After looking carefully at the buds and taking a nice wiff, I was not going to wait untill after the drive home to test the taste out..... I found a nice little shady spot that I was going to chill in and wait a while before driving home ( it turned out to be a regular smoking spot ) And which is very often checked by police officers. I was almost finished until i saw these very bright lights shinning through into my front windscreen. I immediately Opened my window and threw the rest of it out as far as i could. By now the police officer was beside me and wasn't able to see me as all the smoke was clearing out of my window. Once the smoke had cleared enough for us too see each other the officer said ( Very sarcastically ) Im getting a slight scent of marijuana in your car, you havent been smoking any have you? By now my eyes were as red as the devils balls and i was so high ( on life ) i couldn't help but giggle to myself because of how screwed i was. I admitted yes, as lying was only going to piss them off. So i agreed to let them search me and my car. They found my grinder and just under a quater. At this point i had sobered up after the interview ( when your high on life and being interviewed by the police in their car, you soon sober up ) and i knew how screwed i was. But this was not the case....

In the report they filed out that they only found my grinder and my grinder only.... The quater that they confiscated had magically disappeared. They knew I had caught on, but they had me by the balls cause they could of got me done for drug driving and possession, but instead I got a street caution and let off since they didn't find any thing apart from my grinder *hut hum*
I was sorta pissed off that those bastards got the last of my green to themselves, but at the same time i more than happy to be let off with a street caution and they let me drive home!

So my question is, anyone else have any similar stories like this? Whether it be the UK , US or wherever, im sure there are funnier stories out there that you guys have !


Well-Known Member
In South Africa you can buy your way out of almost any situation, got caught with pants down so to speak a few times.. drink driving, possession, car accidents
Parting with some cash to the porkers usually leaves you a free man.
One time all they wanted was a free breakfast.. another time all the cash on me was not enough .. so he drove us to the atm (cash point) and withdrew some more..


Ursus marijanus
In South Africa you can buy your way out of almost any situation, got caught with pants down so to speak a few times.. drink driving, possession, car accidents
Parting with some cash to the porkers usually leaves you a free man.
One time all they wanted was a free breakfast.. another time all the cash on me was not enough .. so he drove us to the atm (cash point) and withdrew some more..
See that right there? That's the Gold Star Service. In parts of the States, you'd get tased for the cheek of not having it then&there ... and charged (!) for the taser refill. cn


How i wish that was the case here, instead off all the pricks we have "protecting" the people here. Whats the maximum you've had to payout outta curiosity ?


Well-Known Member
this was about 7 years ago.. +- $400 / £250, when converted into ZAR at the time it was a fair bit of money
there's a lot of corruption in the country .. in government and officials..


this was about 7 years ago.. +- $400 / £250, when converted into ZAR at the time it was a fair bit of money
there's a lot of corruption in the country .. in government and officials..
Theres Corruption in every government, USA being the worst !


Well-Known Member
at least they "try" and hide it... ;)
it's so blatantly obvious and in your face it is ridiculous..
everyone knows.. if you offer a bribe 9/10 it will be accepted..
you just need to offer it a subtle manner.. like can I buy you gentleman breakfast lol

Theres Corruption in every government, USA being the worst !


I'd like to see that list ... cn
Im still trying, i stumbled across them when i was reading up about the whole illuminati stories, if youre that interested about it just keep researching in that area, takes a while though i got from illuminati to princess diana then about tupac, well worth it while high though gets interesting then :wall:


Ursus marijanus
Im still trying, i stumbled across them when i was reading up about the whole illuminati stories, if youre that interested about it just keep researching in that area, takes a while though i got from illuminati to princess diana then about tupac, well worth it while high though gets interesting then :wall:
Almost everything I could find involved Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.
On the one hand, the index admits its indirect and subjective metric by including the word Perceptions.
On the other hand, there is no objective way to measure corruption, which fact is obscured by the presence of a numeric index and ranking ... to those untrained in critical thought. (It's a skill and not a talent. Train yourselves!)

The 2011 index gives the USA a ranking of 24 out of 182. Russia is tied for slot 142 with Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Comoros, Mauretania, Nigeria, Timor-Leste (formerly part of Indonesia), Togo and Uganda.
Not all former SSRs are in the pits ... tho' Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan share a very low slot (177) with that classic nest of louses - the Sudan, you can find Estonia in slot 29 surrounded by its relatively incorrupt European neighbors to the west. cn


Ursus marijanus
Oddly enough, Rwanda is listed as quite incorrupt, excelled by mainland African nations only by Botswana. Perhaps this is a testament to the miracle of ethnic cleansing. /facepalm


Well-Known Member
Here in Los Angeles MJ use is completely decriminalized for use/possession. Police wont hassle you unless your carrying around pounds.. its not worth their time because 9 times outta 10 the case is gonna get dismissed anyways...