Rodger Stone set too walk

lmao, you mean Biden was breaking laws by doing what the President, Senate, Congress and the rest of the world was telling him to do? You are listening to what liars are telling you to think far too much.

Your dedication to Dear Leader is cute, but it doesn't change the fact that he is a liar and you are just parroting his lies like they are now truth, they are not. The Democrats did call witnesses, but Trump commanded his entire staff to illegally ignore legal subpoena for them to appear before Congress and withhold ALL documents requested.


Quit listening to liars who are trying to keep you in their cult.
"that son of a bitch, he got fired"

Joe Biden -
Why should the left allow Trump to ask foreign governments for help in winning an American election?

TRUMP is a petty, womanlike gossip that was a failure in every business venture he's had. As phoney as his orange sprayed skin.

any candidate is better then that criminal.
You mean like what Barack obama did in the when he tried so hard to get Netanyahu to lose the election? Its wrong.
I didn't say that, but if you support Trump I will say you are a fucking idiot.

"They" don't really like orange thumper that much but they hate the libs so bad they can't see straight so I've learned that it's a waste of time conversing with them. They would rather see democracy killed then even consider that the president is a lying fucking mobster that needs to be in a mental ward/prison.
Hence religion.

The GOP created a religion of white, male, womanizing, racist, homophobic dogma and sold it as patriotism to the less educated rednecks of the nation.

It worked like a charm.

And God created Fox News..above is exactly how Ailes described it.
Your post fails to meet any test for logic because your reason (bbbut Obama!!!) fails to explain your point (It's OK that Trump is traitorous swine).
I'm not saying but obama, I am just saying the same thing you all cry about is the same exact thing the politicians you support do and have been doing. I understand how childish, but this, but that. I was just trying to get my point across. I believe wrong is wrong, but if I stole your car, who am I to criticize someone for stealing mine? Get it? Don is a piece of shit, so are the others who do the same regardless of where they stand in the aisle. But to all the people screaming how fucked up trump is, still support biden or obama even though they have done the same things they want trump to lose office over.

Rules are rules, laws are laws. No one should be above. But the double standard and hypocrisy of the fan base that will cast stones in one ditrection and turn a blind eye to the other.

The same as an anti fascist group acting like fascists to stop fascism. I know you don't agree with me on anything and have a keyboard full of letters that you can use to call me every name in the book, but do you at least see where I am coming from?
"They" don't really like orange thumper that much but they hate the libs so bad they can't see straight so I've learned that it's a waste of time conversing with them. They would rather see democracy killed then even consider that the president is a lying fucking mobster that needs to be in a mental ward/prison.
And that makes you no better than what your fighting against. And you're 100% right. You are the reason many people will vote trump again even though that hate his ass. Congratulations.