Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)


Well-Known Member
I ended up stressing a plant on purpose to help induce a hermie. After seeding an entire harvest I had lots of seeds. Even gave some back to the dispensory (charity makes me feel better).

Train Wreck seeds???? I thought there were only in clone form and seeds were not 'commercially' available.

Well, this gives me something to do for the next few days. 8)


Well-Known Member
Hey Rocky,

I just stopped by to check out your girls - looking nice :-)

Sublime - I heard somewhere that hermie seeds make hermie plants (or a higher rate of them), can't remember where I read that though so don't know if it's bullshit.

I ended up stressing a plant on purpose to help induce a hermie. After seeding an entire harvest I had lots of seeds. Even gave some back to the dispensory (charity makes me feel better).


Well-Known Member
Only on the hermie plant does this happen. But on the normal females, they pollenate them like regular males. And hermie seeds aren't always hermies, just more likely to be. I'm really fucked up and what I just typed makes no sense to me. But I think I answered this correctly.

But I had to take the chance to truly develop a unique strain. Not just some half-ass commercial phenotype from the dispensory. Totally not my style.

Hey Rocky,

I just stopped by to check out your girls - looking nice :-)

Sublime - I heard somewhere that hermie seeds make hermie plants (or a higher rate of them), can't remember where I read that though so don't know if it's bullshit.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Well not a lot to update, but one of the seeds I'm hoping is the gov strain showed to be female today. She went into flowering on the 18th.

Will be gone for 2 days, wish I could teach the cats or dogs to water while I'm gone!!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....cats/dogs.....good friends....but yea....they can't water! have a safe and happy time man.....cheers!


Well-Known Member
I want some seeds.... save a couple for me as well:mrgreen:

Will be gone for 2 days, wish I could teach the cats or dogs to water while I'm gone!!
That's funny .. why not get a cheap timer for water? that's what I'm gunna do come summer....

Enjoy your trip and may you have the best Christmas!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
YGF & Humboldt,

thanks for the well wishes I appreciate it. yeah I need a 'watering' system, I suppose, but I got so much $$ invested right now, the significant other woulld kill me if I add before we smoke!! Man I need this first harvest to come quick.


Well-Known Member
YGF & Humboldt,

thanks for the well wishes I appreciate it. yeah I need a 'watering' system, I suppose, but I got so much $$ invested right now, the significant other woulld kill me if I add before we smoke!! Man I need this first harvest to come quick.
Hahaha Im right there with ya bro.....I spent so much $$$ on this already my situation is not even going as well as yours....Have a safe holiday bro, and continued luck with your grow bro....

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks Robbie, I appreciate it. I started with seemorebuds book 'grow 8oz for less than $100", if you can believe that shit! About $11-1200 later, here I am still waiting to smoke. I'm also investing in a 250w HPS at weeks end so I'll be nearing the $1500 mark.

I just gotta look at it like this:

If I spent the 15 hun on tweeds it's like the old tale. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

So hopefully I will be smoking my homegrown for a lifetime!!!

Take care and thanx for stopping by, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
thats rough...but ya it will work itself out in the end long as your SMART and dont do anything stupid....i want your plant ill trade with you.....check my grow log if u want....i got mites...i know you want them

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Man, I gotta thank the Budd Gods that I've haven't had any real problems. No mites, flys, not too much nute burn, etc.

Good luck with those and no, I'm not up for bartering my ladies. I think that would make me a pimp rather than a farmer, no?

Take care thanks for stopping by.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member

Ohh hell yeah, I know, Pimpin Ain't Easy!

Back from the trip, all is well. Plants look good except I wasn't able to install fans in my veggy room, so they are a bit droopy from the heat, I assume.

Will water them down today and see how they react, hopefully they will perk back up.

Merry X-mas Guys & Gals


Well-Known Member
Good to see you made it back safely, stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!