Rockwool seedling-Where am i going wrong?

yeah j pots are awful .

My first soil grows were with jiffys, really easy to overwater but get them just right and they are awesome. Guess thats why i like rockwool so much at the mo, i can saturate the crap out of them but 24hours later they are almost dry again and lost most of that water thus cycling air and water. If i start upping the frequency to three times a day then instant brown roots.

haven't read it all now.but young rooted plants in hydro = 800ppm to 1200ppm

If the first signs of adding light ferts (vitalink plant start) are positive i will up them till i get negative signs thus a window which i will aim keep ppms within. Your advice to add ferts early on back on page 1 seems solid so far but still early days

Jeeeez, some people, and how many males do you pull from Lettuce and tomatoes huh? :!::!::!: :wall: Good luck, you will probably need it. ;)

Tom and lettuce are both male and female with stamen and stigma on the same plant dude and at less than a pack of rizla for a hundred seeds these Cubes were originally seeded with 5, wish i could do that with mj, germinate 5 and keep the best one.
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Shes just had another watering and looking much better at the exact time my tapwater only ones are starting to stop growing. Leaves all nice and standing up as oppose to being slightly droopy. i seriously cant wait to check on them in another 24hours.2015-08-04 21.14.58.jpg
Todays progress, oldest one has reverted back to growing again and second leaf set is starting fast, younger one looking good all round. The oldest is a delahaze and possibly why leaves are thinner, youngest ones superskunk by sensi.

Gave a flush before last nights ferts and put youngest on 200ppm oldest about 400ppm.

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Hate to keep harping on this but you really need to get those into their final destination. A plant that size should have a tap root almost as long as the plant it self. Have you decided what system your going to run yet? And yes they look healthy.
Their final destination will be my bin located in my kitchen, im sorry to say but the first real run will probably be 8 superskunk germinated in rockwool cubes, after two weeks transplanted into a 12 site x-stream aero propogator for a futher two weeks and then finally into an 8 pot amazon aero unit under 600watt hps and repeat cycle every 2 weeks because im a perpetual grower, patience is a virtue growing in soil taught me and at the moment im only using my flowering tent ocassionally which sucks.

I know you think they are healthy and good but trust me i can do twice as good as this as pics dont show the gritty parts well. Ive had them a few inches futher from the lights so there not growing full tilt, the slight stretching is only unhealthy if they cant support themselves. Wait and see if ferts crack the problem here and ill notch this up a few gears, havent even used the roots excelurator yet as just seeing what simple ferts do.

Tap roots are a much debated point with auto growers, ive never worried as lots of short roots easily equals a long root. Im not planning on transplanting cubes to propogator till after they are well rooted, those plastic holders they come in provide perfect moist air spaces around the bottoms and sides and roots love it here, just starting to get roots outa sides of cubes now. I can see that there will be a point they outgrow the holders and thats when they will need watering like 7 times a day as too many roots.

No i meant if i upped the frequency of watering it would cause overwatering to illistrate how as long as i let my cubes get dryish its very hard to overwater them.

Is this a joke ?

Now wouldnt that be ironic if i said you are dead wrong on this point...
If you read through it the guy already has all the answers to everything.

Maybe im just struggling to work on one point at a time, im not sold on giving these guys ferts but it has changed their growth patterns for the better, should i try a side by side next week maybe?
It is generally not good practice to take advice from hydro shop people

I been to couple hydro shops where they had a grower and his plants were all over the shop in every systtem and light possible, this one guy knew what he was on about and kind of guessing he grew weed at home but completley denied it when i posed the question to him :-)
The new guy, presoaked cube with 250ppm before planting seed and placing in propogator, cube was left wet for germination and after completley saturating it i didnt flick very much water out. Root sticking out the bottom already day 4 since seed first got water/planted.

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Not a great picture but root poking through bottom left of cube (that tiny blurry white thing).

So now i have 3 cubes each plant a few days apart.

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This is the root system on the middle plant, i shown its roots a few posts above when it just had three roots, now its got nine in such a short space of time.

I dont think overwatering etc was my problem as all this is taking off thanks to a touch of ferts.

If this new ones good i feel like im gona have to take a few weeks to start getting fert levels and additive levels right, maybe even try some bene's.2015-08-05 21.16.45.jpg
I actually just started inoculating the cubes with beanies. Do it right from the start and add more every few days. Not sure if its a benifit but hasn't killed em.
So much advice to go the plain water no ferts way in cubes but that led to very slow growth soon after germination plus hardly any roots. I worked up from small light doses but it was clear i could have gone 0.8ec from the start. Formulex recomend 10ml/l or it dosent work that great in hydro, which i can understand as certain elements are only present in enough amounts at these levels reguardless of plant size.

Im happy im germinating and rooting cubes easily and even happier im growing them on with some ferts. I just need to find some basic levels, maybe-

WEEK 1 - 600ppm
WEEK 2 - 700ppm
WEEK 3 - 800ppm

Thats about 0.8ec on my trident for 500ppm (approximatley).

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