Rockwool question

Hey all, just a quick question. Should i have some type of cover on the top of my rockwool? The reason i ask is bc with the top of my rockwool being wet i feel like my light shining on it might make it grow something i don't want on my rockwool. Am i right or can i leave it uncovered and be ok?
I noticed it had a little algae on it yesterday stop i took an old cigarette carton and cut collars out of it and covered it to block light. Think that should get rid of the algae?


Well-Known Member
Hydroton would be best ,I have used covering outta various things just to keep the light & heat from causing problems for me it was temporary cover , but with an air pocket between the two makes stock go a little funny like swell up ,hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I hate rockwool. It holds too much moisture but I do hot do hydro so maybe it works for that application. I have growchunks and it is a waste. Coco would have worked so much better at half the price. Half a bag to go.
I read somewhere that it may take like 3 days for it to go away. I'm going to swing by lowes tomorrow to get some hydroton. I used to have some but the only other time ive grown my neighbor broke in my house and stole everything including my plants lights nutrients hydroton meters tvs xbox and my microwave. Stupid crack head bitch lol. Now I'm trying to start from scratch. Sucks being good to people and getting shit on for it. Sorry for my rant guys lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds good ,pics really help a lot when looking for advice there's a lot of good growers on this site who might see something that could possibly save you a lot of time


Well-Known Member
Next time you might want to use smaller piece of rockwool 1/2x1/2 - 1 inch deep ,or not at all .i hate that stuff holds to much moisture, nutes, and don't flush worth a shit ,not sure how if you use seeds or clones ,if seeds you need something I guess so small as possible,for me I clone I use 50-50 perlite-vermiculite when rooted wash that crap off right in hydroton,but so many growing techniques they all work but some are way faster ,
Yeah last time I had them in starter plugs and hydroton. This time I had 2 inch rockwool from last time so I decided to just buy 2" net cups and roll with it. To answer your inquiry though I started from seed. I spent quite a bit on them too so I'm really hop hoping this algae doesn't kill them. You think they will make it? The plants themselves look happy


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine don't over feed them,when you get some hydroton you could trim some of that rockwool or not lol ,nice job so far keep it up
Thanks man i appreciate the advice. I took my xacto (or however you spell it) knife and scraped some of the algae off the tops last night. At least the ones i could anyway. I pushed some of the rockwool too far down lol. Ill probably do it again though when i get my hydroton.