Rockwool + lighting


Hey all i was just wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me

Rockwool cubes when i plant my seed into it do i need to just place the cube on a tray in the grow room and leave the light on it?

Also how far away should i have the 600 watt mh light away

And would it be easier using soil in a plastic cup untill the plant is big enough to go into the dwc bucket

And how big will the seedling need to be before i can transplant it to dwc

Im going to be using 5 gal buckets x4 in a 4x4x6 grow box


check my setup dude.. I use a dimmable ballast to start from seed with rockwool... first 5 days i put 150w. after day 5 I go with 250w for a couple of weeks and than i go to macimum 400w.


Well-Known Member
600 is way,way,way tootoo much light for popping seeds. A basic CFl is best. As for rock wool, its hit and miss. Try the expanding Pete pucks, they are easy to remove when ready to go to hydro.