rockwool cubes question


Would it make any kind of sense to use rockwool plugs and then plant them in soil? I know they're used in hydroponics, but do some ppl use them to germinate first? Seems like with the heat mat/humidity dome combo you can control it better, but do the plugs biodegrade over time or would it affect the roots in any way? Just wondering.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Yes you can use either rock-wool or peat plugs, we prefer the rock-wool
Dr. Jekyll

The rock-wool does not biodegrade, not sure if the peat plugs do or not
Mr. Hyde
Once the roots begin to sprout through the bottom of Rockwool plugs, it's time to transplant them. You can put them into soil, or whatever medium. Adjust the PH of your water to 6.2(eventually you can work your way up to 6.8, or just stick between 6.2-6.8...) after transplanting into soil. If you're using larger sized pots, it may take a couple days for them to adjust to the larger/new environment and start new growth and be careful as well not to over water the first week or so... It's easy to do. You just need enough water to moisten the plug and immediate surrounding soil, approximately 4-6" round.