Rockwool and expanded clay


Im using rockwool and clay medium in my flood and drain system, my roots are great, i have began to see roots at the top of the rockwool. I've heard that roots are not supposed to be exposed to any light, Will light exposure on these roots at the top hurt my plant, should I cover them?


Well-Known Member
yea no worries man you culd cut paper plates and make holes and a slit down the side to the middle of the plate and place them over the pots unless you are just using the cubes and hydroton


Well-Known Member
It won't hurt your plant at all. Happens to me every time, and thats for years and years now.


awsome. thanks guys. I have these covers over the net pots, but i think the rockwool is staying to saturated and its messing with my temp around the roots. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
If you leave them exposed they will be better off. A soon as the root is exposed to light it will stop growing in that direction.
No action is needed.


Well-Known Member
Just noticed where you are from + rep for reping the great state!
We might be neighbors........