Rockwol Germination


Well-Known Member
Kinda skeptically on how I did it but I think will be ok I just still doubt myself. Well I soaked seeds in shot glass ph to 5.8 and with root stimulator. After 12 hrs all seeds sunk to the bottom. That I where I took then and put them in my 1in rockwol persoak in 5.6 ph water and root stimulator. I put seeds in whole and covered lightly with rockwol. Place under led light and now waiting. Good ? Bad need opinions


Well-Known Member
Too much water. They may drown. If not don't water again until the rockwool becomes dry.

When germing in rockwool just soak the rockwool in 5.5 adjusted ph for 10 seconds, then plant your seeds 1/4" down and cover.

I put mine on a propagation tray with a humidity dome under 24/0 t5s. 100% success so far.


Well-Known Member
Too much water. They may drown. If not don't water again until the rockwool becomes dry.

When germing in rockwool just soak the rockwool in 5.5 adjusted ph for 10 seconds, then plant your seeds 1/4" down and cover.

I put mine on a propagation tray with a humidity dome under 24/0 t5s. 100% success so far.


Well-Known Member
I hope the do not drown. There are so many different methods. Some people say soak rockwol others say do it dry. Some say do shot glass method. Here is a pic so far I have not watered rockwol only day one so just hope and praying


Well-Known Member
IMG_0366.jpgIMG_5951.jpg Here is a little more Pics I do have humidity dome but i read that is is not good. i did my research dont get me wrong but i just still feel uneasy. Should i worry or not ?


Well-Known Member
Check this out. From the makers or rockwool: hope it helps.

And Idk why people would say humidity domes are bad. Seedlings and clones need humidity near 80%

Soaking plugs is not good for more then 10 seconds, some people suggest 24hr soaks, this can lead to molds and this is why some people suggest steering away.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Sorry for late response. Optimal temp would be around 78-80. Rh around 80% which with a humidity dome it'll create the right humidity.

Now when they break ground and sprout the cotyledons you should open the vents on the dome a little.


I don't know what it is about rockwool, I have absolutely no luck starting anything in it(clones, seeds,ect). I start everything in soil, once they are established, I transplant them using rockwool slices into my hydro system. I do my stuff a little different, but I put jars over the little ones with a little water sprayed inside the jar(not on the plant), once they appear to be doing good after a week or so, I take the jars off and let them grow a little better before transplant. I am curious, i avoid all direct light until they are growing and established, does LED harm them like a normal light would if you put it directly on them? just curious.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know I do think all of them died. With humidity dome on temp is stay at 84 and humidity is around 86 as well. Kinda pissed might just throw away and try again. I guess I need to research better how to grow in rockwol. I will inform u when I try again


Well-Known Member
I would do that but they are autos so just trying to do the best way.

I don't know what it is about rockwool, I have absolutely no luck starting anything in it(clones, seeds,ect). I start everything in soil, once they are established, I transplant them using rockwool slices into my hydro system. I do my stuff a little different, but I put jars over the little ones with a little water sprayed inside the jar(not on the plant), once they appear to be doing good after a week or so, I take the jars off and let them grow a little better before transplant. I am curious, i avoid all direct light until they are growing and established, does LED harm them like a normal light would if you put it directly on them? just curious.


Well-Known Member
I actually did and well I didn't tear open I just open hole a little and the plant I guess was doing ok just struggle to get up here is a pic :image.jpg



I would do that but they are autos so just trying to do the best way.
man, I do autos the same way, it will slow their growth for a few days, but then they will go into beast mode. It has not affected my yield or growth in the long run, once they got past the stress mode after just a few days, they went absolutely crazy. I have a somango that is about have way through flower and a complete monster. I would show pics, but I don't know how to post them safely and anonymously.


Well-Known Member
the thing with rockwool at least for clones (i would assume its the same for seeds and any other small plant thats not drinking tons of water yet), is that its easy to saturate it so that theres no air in there. what i do for clones is soak the rockwool for a while (it gets completely saturated), then hold in one hand(or in an empty plastic cup) over my bath tub or outside and swing my arm so that most of the water comes out. that way it is moist all the way thru but theres plenty of air in there too. some people use salad spinners the same way. after that i touch it a couple times a day with the back of my hand to make shure its still damp and when it starts to get dry i put a couple ml of water on it with a pipet, or just mist it with a spray bottle.