Story says they were mainly Chinese and forced to be there.
They always say that, pure BS If it was true then where are the arrest for trafficking after and 8 month investigation? Only John's and den mom's. They spent tax payer's $$$$$$ on misdemeanor charges instead of cracking down on Opioids and H.
Just read the arrest list...Mr Young is 84 years old...My god I sure hope I can go get 1 rubbed out out 84. A true american hero I salute you sir.

A crime is a crime. When you get nicked for speeding, don't complain because someone else was going faster or everybody else speeds on that road.

The only difference between an 80 year old getting busted for soliciting prostitution and a 25 year old getting busted for it is the 80 year old got lucky for a long time.

Bastard should have gone to jail 55 years ago. He's just been lucky and his luck finally ran out.

He deserves everything that happens to him.
Let’s talk about how you got raped in prison

Do you show those to your younger friends?

You know, the ones that you twist and distort laws (made with people like you in mind) so you can pretend they are old enough?

Are you trying to start a conversation about child molesting again? You're very persistent, obsessed even.