Robert Bergman Seeds?

Literally all their contact info that you said wasn't there is pictured below. Also they take precautions to make sure its safe. They are sending it in and taking the risk, as you can deny knowing what was in the package. The company will confirm that and if law enforcement here tries to go after them, it will not work that well as they were not necessarily breaking those same laws where the sent it from.

Not only are they ligit and a recognized grower on but the Grow Bible for free download is an awesome resource.

This is the only place I will go for seeds and the only place I can trust to back me up.


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Also, one Google search to find d this picture of a very real person featured in an article.


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Really growing pot and not being carful is a bad mix.

off topic....but Im completely legal in a medical state and won’t even post pics b/c you can NOT trust the Pigs! Never forget that....don’t believe me look at how patients in good ol’ Michigan are being treated even when in 100% legal compliance with their program....the Pigs still want their piece of the action and the state doesnt give a SHIT because “they are just pot heads”.....btw I’m NOT in Michigan.
They deliver.
If unlucky like I was with some contents they fixed it asap.
Awesome customer support in my dealing with them.
Fast delivery. 2 weeks (Eurasia)compared to 1-2 MONTHS for other companies
I've bought from ILGM often. Very legit and very good seeds. NOT a scam. Never had a problem and they guarantee germination. Fast shipping to USA in less than a week. HIGHLY recommend the granddaddy purple
I am very sure Robert Bergman is a scam. I can not find a picture of his face anywhere. It seems to be one big marketing rip-off scam with seeds bred by others.. I would not buy from there. They say they are from amsterdam but nobody in amsterdam has ever seen or heard of Robert Bergman because he doesnt even exist. Its all made up.

They talk about love and community but its only about money. Mentions of other seed banks in their forums will get you banned.. just shows what really matters to these people.

They sell genetics bred by others, sell knowledge and advice from others.. not one original fact is to be found anywhere on the website (and neither is his face). It is really pathetic.

Who cares if hes a real person? They deliver quality seeds fast and stand by them with free shipping. What more can you ask for?
Who cares if hes a real person? They deliver quality seeds fast and stand by them with free shipping. What more can you ask for?
I am very sure Robert Bergman is a scam. I can not find a picture of his face anywhere. It seems to be one big marketing rip-off scam with seeds bred by others.. I would not buy from there. They say they are from amsterdam but nobody in amsterdam has ever seen or heard of Robert Bergman because he doesnt even exist. Its all made up.

They talk about love and community but its only about money. Mentions of other seed banks in their forums will get you banned.. just shows what really matters to these people.

They sell genetics bred by others, sell knowledge and advice from others.. not one original fact is to be found anywhere on the website (and neither is his face). It is really pathetic.

Nobody in Amsterdam has ever seen or heard of Robert Bergman?
So I assume you have spoken with every single human being in Amsterdam and because that is a total of 865,000 people you must have one hell of a Rolodex and that is the really pathetic thing here