Robbed, called the cops...heres the story



Yea simpsonsampson420 sorry to hear that...crazy situation...Had to call the cops. Glad you see where I am coming from and that violence isn't going to solve anything.
I lost about 8k, equipment and girls...but it could have been worse. For that I am thankful. But, now that my neighbors know about the robbery I gave them my number and told them to call if they see anything, ADT comes next week and cameras will be installed soon. This particular neighborhood has been hit 4 times in the month, 2 on the street behind mine. By no means is this hood ghetto, its the worthless people without jobs trying to keep the electricity on. I can't wait for the day that I can dedicate 24/7 to mary and stay at home fulltime.

monstrgonja- Google: Ball preserving jars and find a local distributor in your region


stackin chips and rebuilding, but I got some new tomorrow, I think you'll be impressed.:peace:


Active Member
damn those are some sad stories! i think calling the cops if you have an ILLEGAL grow op is a terrible idea and just not worth the risk to be honest. if i was in that situation i would take shit into my own hands. though Fureelz i think it is good that you called them, as everything you had was legal and all they could do was help!
sorry bout the misfortunes!


Well-Known Member
Damn what a gutwrenching story there bro. All three of them. I'm glad I've never had something like this happen. But then again I have no friends lol (I know sad but hey fuck it) and by NO MEANS does ANYONE know about my grow. Hope to see ya back up and running in no time. And if your legal and everything why not upgrade the light to something with a little bit more ommph to it.



Well-Known Member
well guys my best bud is my red nose pit!! he he he hard to get past her. good dog keeps them out bro when your not home!! little food and a belly rub here and there and he will keep your stuff safe for you!! i myself would make sure i would spread it all over he has a bunch of killer for sale CHEAP!!


Active Member
I couldn't help but notice saying you grow for you and 5 people...medicinally?
So yourself and 5 people you know can smoke legally?
I just mention this because in Canada i read only about 300 can legally smoke and grow marijuana
Right off the site :P Personally i would have not called the cops, they cant do anything at all even if you think you know who it is.
1st thing about the law is you need viable proof/evidence. So you pretty much waisted your time even if they went to his, which they can't, and searched which they cant. They cannot prove the marijuana or light was yours in any way what so ever. Plus now cops know you grow and they will tell their cop friends now all the cops know ya grow. Even medicinally, they might keep an eye on ya.

300: The estimated number of Canadians who have Ottawa’s permission to smoke marijuana for medical reasons.



Well-Known Member
Ok, overall I think you did the right thing but I would have taken a little different approach before calling the cops. Weird situation with a legal grow that by law you have every right to have. The dude that said to take it in your own hands is STUPID! I would have called the guy b/c you do know him and mention he is the only one that knows about it so do you have any suggestions on getting it back to complete the grow (before returning the ballast after grow) and the other items. That way he wins in the end somthing. Mentioning that your legal and theft is against the law and as a legal grower if the conversation isn't positive in your favor ending it as "this was my nice call to return everything within 24/48 hrs or the complete theft will be reported. Final sentence something like "this was my nice call and next will be from the police to you, are you a legal grower"? Now either case your no longer safe to grow because about every 2/3 months now you may be robbed most likely with those thugs knowing your turn rate. Crazy how a stupid weed causes people to do things they wouldn't normally in theft etc. Good luck reported or not I feel for you...those that don't beleive you should have called the cops at some point legal are not thinking straight. i wouldn't b/c it's not legal here and I am sure the dude/robber hopes you sweep it under the table b/c its weed....


yea, you did the right thing,, im a med patient and i too was robbed, cops dont do anything, the robbers came back the very next night to take more, and the cops cant be bothered to stop them,. i wasnt at the house both times, i decided meds isnt worth getting shot over, or messing with my head by killing someone,, so i decided to flee the house, move somewhere else and lay low for a while just incase the theives were following me.. now im in tight quarters and if anyone trys to get into this place my walls will be painted with their brains


Well-Known Member
When u find out more info, start thinkin like ur on a Stealth mission an get sum servailence on him. An when the time is Right, Kick his fuckin door down an point that Problem Solver at 'em.
I bet ull get ur shit back & MORE

It is a Tested Theory , tested by me MANY times


Active Member
When u find out more info, start thinkin like ur on a Stealth mission an get sum servailence on him. An when the time is Right, Kick his fuckin door down an point that Problem Solver at 'em.
I bet ull get ur shit back & MORE

It is a Tested Theory , tested by me MANY times
lol come walkin through my door wavin a gun ima blow ya right back out that be careful with that aproach lol although i understand where hes comein from.....ameone stole some shit from me a few months back and i sat outside my apartment with the 12 ga...... talk bout gettin looks


Active Member
I couldn't help but notice saying you grow for you and 5 people...medicinally?
So yourself and 5 people you know can smoke legally?
I just mention this because in Canada i read only about 300 can legally smoke and grow marijuana
Right off the site :P Personally i would have not called the cops, they cant do anything at all even if you think you know who it is.
1st thing about the law is you need viable proof/evidence. So you pretty much waisted your time even if they went to his, which they can't, and searched which they cant. They cannot prove the marijuana or light was yours in any way what so ever. Plus now cops know you grow and they will tell their cop friends now all the cops know ya grow. Even medicinally, they might keep an eye on ya.
i heard ya bro, candian here too. its crazy i how few people are allowed to smoke it here.
+ hes right, watch out. i know the cops cant do anything to your "legal" grow. but over in america, due to your fucked up laws, FEDS WILL! though i dont know if they would waste their time with your small grow i would be careful none the less.


Well-Known Member
Calling the cops doesn't do anything but bring attention to your grow op, I don't care if your a caregiver, where I live the possession is 100% legal. I Still wouldn't call the cops even being legal. Like someone else said if you didn't rat them out maybe you could of worked something out. Now since the cops are called you can't pay this assclown a visit without getting heat from the pigs. I would of visited him with the handgun and gotten your shit back.

Did you read what I wrote? it won't end...nore would I go to jail for murder. How old are you? Get real. The whole reason for being legal was so I could use the police instead of being against them. Talking to the cops was the only rational choice. By the way where you live (CO) it is not 100% legal to just possess herb.
Calling the cops is NEVER a good idea. They are not your friend, they are not on your side, it rarely ends good when in their presence. Maybe you hingeheads have a different breed of swine, but here in the U.S., our pigs are the worst gang of them all...wearing colors (usually blue or Khaki)...making their money from extortion (tickets), kidnappings for ransom (arrests), car thefts (auction!), Drugs (stolen $ and federal grants).

They are still fighting a war on drugs, which is really a war on Cannabis...they really do not give a shit about the little bit of hard drugs done by a small portion of the population they care little about.

well guys my best bud is my red nose pit!! he he he hard to get past her. good dog keeps them out bro when your not home!! little food and a belly rub here and there and he will keep your stuff safe for you!!
This is excellent advice...I miss my dog.

I couldn't help but notice saying you grow for you and 5 people...medicinally?
So yourself and 5 people you know can smoke legally?
I just mention this because in Canada i read only about 300 can legally smoke and grow marijuana
Right off the site :P Personally i would have not called the cops, they cant do anything at all even if you think you know who it is.
1st thing about the law is you need viable proof/evidence. So you pretty much waisted your time even if they went to his, which they can't, and searched which they cant. They cannot prove the marijuana or light was yours in any way what so ever. Plus now cops know you grow and they will tell their cop friends now all the cops know ya grow. Even medicinally, they might keep an eye on ya.

300: The estimated number of Canadians who have Ottawa’s permission to smoke marijuana for medical reasons.

My Canna Doc in SoCal has over 7,000 patients.



Well-Known Member
really keeping a nice dog who guards the house and that way even if they do get some of ur shit at least they will have several holes in them


My friends dog was actually killed over a vehicle and 2k...stupid. I would love to get a dog, but I can't devote enough time to trainning and the attention it needs. Anyway, things have changed; got a better front door (entry point for the person who asked.), cameras on 2 exterior sides of the house, one inside, motion sensors inside, door and window sensors. The cameras themselves are color with sound, recording 24/7 / 365. Um, got some new ish up... Next step is to upgrade the finished basement door. :)




Tagh, yes legally 5 patients have recommendations from certified physicians in my state which appointed me their caregiver. I am required to supply their medicine, up to a certain amount a month. Sure the feds could come get me, I hope they don't but if they knew what was really going on they should have bigger things to pursue. I am abiding by the state laws in hopes of having them on my side if I were breaking those laws I wouldn't have called them. On a positive note check out the goods for OD '09 Where dreams come true.


Active Member
what I don't understand is why you guys are giving someone who is legal advice involving doing illegal things like they're some sort of street dealer.

This whole thread has a bad vibe for me now.
for original poster, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, I hope you manage to bounce back from the damage and loss.