Roadtrip????????? FUCK YEAH!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks fdd,
Looks like yours is frosting up nicely!!!:blsmoke:

Butt and baby powder....there is something sour about the smell...hahaha!

Took these shots today...



Well-Known Member
Yea, they seem to be getting a little more stinky and skunky-ish , also sour and funky...only about two weeks to harvest I think...!


Well-Known Member
i think i got it. it is such an odd smell it took awhile to put my finger on it. it is starting to ripen and the smell is changing a little. so i have come to the conclusion that it smells like "lemon scented pledge furniture polish".


Well-Known Member
I've put my roadtrip into flowering now, I'm hoping for some fems (fingers crossed) as the upbringing wasnt all it could have been and only 3 seedlings made it through to flowering stage, I have taken clones in preperation. I just hope that i get some fems out of it.


Well-Known Member
I've put my roadtrip into flowering now, I'm hoping for some fems (fingers crossed) as the upbringing wasnt all it could have been and only 3 seedlings made it through to flowering stage, I have taken clones in preperation. I just hope that i get some fems out of it.

i've been about 50/50. :mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well I dont have any roadtrip but am working on my own strain of Nirvana BlueBerry Crossed with Paradise seeds Sweet Purple and its gonna be called Sweet Blurple.Got my little one going and kinda did a little expirement.1 plant of each I stuck under a 65 watt cfl bulb with a reflector and then couple under my regular T-8 florescent tubes.So far the tubes are kickin ass its at about day 15 from seed and the T-8s are about 8 inches and the cfls babies about 2-3 inches .I too will nhave my own strain some day


Well-Known Member
Hi fdd.....lookin' good!
When do you usually harvest roadtrip, at how many weeks?
I think I am at 7 or eight weeks on mine????...(I did not write it down so I am not clear...hehehe)
I'm thinking that I have 1 to 2 weeks to go...the trichs are mostly cloudy with a smattering of amber....

Here is today....
The close ups are of the lowest bottom branch on this tiny plant...




Well-Known Member
yeah, i'd wait a couple weeks. mine turn crazy colors at the end but that could be the fall weather. this is my first time indoors with it so i have no idea how many weeks i have. i like to wait until only a few new white hairs are appearing. i will let mine go at least 2 weeks more. maybe.


fdd... if i'm ever through cali, i'm hunting you down and shaking your hand... just to let you know

and wavels... that things a beaute... any idea of what you might pull off of it?


Well-Known Member
got some more last night. i'm not real pleased with the crystal count. i had a pheno in the early breeding stages that was very crystally. apparently i've lost it. such is breeding....



Well-Known Member
Fdd says...." I’m not real pleased with the crystal count."

I have noticed that the density or quantity of crystals does not always indicate the potency or likeability of the plant.

Some of the most heavily crystallized plants I have grown were not the most potent.
I made a cross of some A-11 and NL a few years back that looked like they were dipped into bowls of did these buds LOOK nice....however the smoke and potency was mediocre at best.

Having not yet tried the Roadtrip....I will reserve judgment!!!

Should have some pics of my little girls later on today.....
They will be tested soon as they are looking more and more ripe----- (they are not the most heavily frosted plants, but as explained above the proof is in the puff!!!