Road Rage; Slow ass drivers; and people that shouldn't be behind the wheel.


Well-Known Member
Just need to get this off my chest.

Let me fill everyone in.. on what happened to me this morning.

Every morning.. I have to drive 13 miles to get to the Methadone clinic (ex heroin user).

Well, it doesn't bother me having to get up 6 days a week to go get my days dosage of Methadone... but what DOES fucking bother me.. is the Older people.. that come out in the morning for whatever reason. The problem I have with older people.. especially people that have 'handicap' tags.. is they don't know how to drive. They're either looking over here.. or over there.. or whatever.. but they're not paying attention to the environment around them.
Such as.. other DRIVERS!! Who might be in a little hurry.. you may not have to be some where... but other people do have places that they gotta be!!!!

All I'm saying.. is have a little common courtesy for other drivers would ya??

I have nothing against my elders.. I actually respect my elders... but when it comes to driving.. uh uh.

Not only that.. but let me get to the story of what happened to me this morning.

I'm coming down Rogers Avenue (others refer to it as 'Main' street) on my way home from the clinic right? Well, sure enough.. about every car I got behind.. would either slow down.. or just not let me by them. Which is fucked up.. I mean what if I were trying to catch a getaway car.. that just kidnapped my kid!?!?! I would probably lose the car.. and my kid.. why?!?! Because people seem to think that they OWN the fucking road. Well, you don't own the road.. and neither do I.

Anyhow, I was already frustrated from being behind other 'no driving' dumbass people.. well I get about a mile from my house.. and sure enough this bitch in a Chevorlet Impala (she had 3 kids in the car with her..just thought I would add that).

Son I'm behind this bitch in the Impala.. well another fucking car in the other lane.. must have seen me in a hurry.. so they thought it would be funny to ride side-by-side with each other.. and not let me by them. So of course.. what do I do?? I get right on her ass.. the bitch in the impala.. I'm right on her ass.. waving my hand trying to get her to let me by... well she doesn't let me by.. in fact.. the bitch LOCKS UP her brakes.. and damn near causes me to drive off into a ditch.

So.. yeah... needless to say that right there got my adrenaline pumping really good..

So once she got going again.. I noticed the fast lane.. was open. So I put my turn signal on.. to pass her.. well then the bitch swerves into my fucking lane!!! and rolls down her window flipping me off and all this other shit..

So... I had had enough of it. I drive a crew cab Chevorlet Silverado (big truck)... so what I did.. was I floored the engine and got ahead of this bitch in the impala.. and once I got far enough ahead of her.. I decided to show this bitch what I was all about ya dig?

Once I got ahead of her.. I PULLED MY fucking E-brake.. and slid sideways right in front of her car.. I figured if she had the odasity to drive like that in the first place.. especially with little kids in the car.. I figured I'd show her how its done.

Once I had come to a stop in front of her car.. blocking her only way out.. THAT'S when the little cunt started talking shit. All I remember.. was her saying 'I got something for ya..' and noticed her digging into her purse for something..

All I know.. is I told the bitch.. if your about to pull out a gun.. and shoot me.. you better hope u fucking kill me... or it WILL be your last mistake you will ever make. Not a threat.. just a promise.

What's the point in sharing this with everyone? Not sure.. just want to get the word out.. for everyone to just have a little courtesy for other people out there on the road.. that's all I'm saying.

Plus.. it helps to vent.. and get stuff like this off my shoulders.

I got her tag number.. and I have someone in my family that has access to a certain computer that can look up everything I need to know about her... with just the tag number.

It just seems like everyone is flipping out these days.. everyones in a bad mood.. and taking it out on other people.. and I just think that everyone needs to chill out.. smoke some bud.. and just live life.

Lifes to short to be fighting and arguing about stupid shit.

That's all I have.


Well-Known Member
Just need to get this off my chest.

Let me fill everyone in.. on what happened to me this morning.

Every morning.. I have to drive 13 miles to get to the Methadone clinic (ex heroin user).

Well, it doesn't bother me having to get up 6 days a week to go get my days dosage of Methadone... but what DOES fucking bother me.. is the Older people.. that come out in the morning for whatever reason. The problem I have with older people.. especially people that have 'handicap' tags.. is they don't know how to drive. They're either looking over here.. or over there.. or whatever.. but they're not paying attention to the environment around them.
Such as.. other DRIVERS!! Who might be in a little hurry.. you may not have to be some where... but other people do have places that they gotta be!!!!

All I'm saying.. is have a little common courtesy for other drivers would ya??

I have nothing against my elders.. I actually respect my elders... but when it comes to driving.. uh uh.

Not only that.. but let me get to the story of what happened to me this morning.

I'm coming down Rogers Avenue (others refer to it as 'Main' street) on my way home from the clinic right? Well, sure enough.. about every car I got behind.. would either slow down.. or just not let me by them. Which is fucked up.. I mean what if I were trying to catch a getaway car.. that just kidnapped my kid!?!?! I would probably lose the car.. and my kid.. why?!?! Because people seem to think that they OWN the fucking road. Well, you don't own the road.. and neither do I.

Anyhow, I was already frustrated from being behind other 'no driving' dumbass people.. well I get about a mile from my house.. and sure enough this bitch in a Chevorlet Impala (she had 3 kids in the car with her..just thought I would add that).

Son I'm behind this bitch in the Impala.. well another fucking car in the other lane.. must have seen me in a hurry.. so they thought it would be funny to ride side-by-side with each other.. and not let me by them. So of course.. what do I do?? I get right on her ass.. the bitch in the impala.. I'm right on her ass.. waving my hand trying to get her to let me by... well she doesn't let me by.. in fact.. the bitch LOCKS UP her brakes.. and damn near causes me to drive off into a ditch.

So.. yeah... needless to say that right there got my adrenaline pumping really good..

So once she got going again.. I noticed the fast lane.. was open. So I put my turn signal on.. to pass her.. well then the bitch swerves into my fucking lane!!! and rolls down her window flipping me off and all this other shit..

So... I had had enough of it. I drive a crew cab Chevorlet Silverado (big truck)... so what I did.. was I floored the engine and got ahead of this bitch in the impala.. and once I got far enough ahead of her.. I decided to show this bitch what I was all about ya dig?

Once I got ahead of her.. I PULLED MY fucking E-brake.. and slid sideways right in front of her car.. I figured if she had the odasity to drive like that in the first place.. especially with little kids in the car.. I figured I'd show her how its done.

Once I had come to a stop in front of her car.. blocking her only way out.. THAT'S when the little cunt started talking shit. All I remember.. was her saying 'I got something for ya..' and noticed her digging into her purse for something..

All I know.. is I told the bitch.. if your about to pull out a gun.. and shoot me.. you better hope u fucking kill me... or it WILL be your last mistake you will ever make. Not a threat.. just a promise.

What's the point in sharing this with everyone? Not sure.. just want to get the word out.. for everyone to just have a little courtesy for other people out there on the road.. that's all I'm saying.

Plus.. it helps to vent.. and get stuff like this off my shoulders.

I got her tag number.. and I have someone in my family that has access to a certain computer that can look up everything I need to know about her... with just the tag number.

It just seems like everyone is flipping out these days.. everyones in a bad mood.. and taking it out on other people.. and I just think that everyone needs to chill out.. smoke some bud.. and just live life.

Lifes to short to be fighting and arguing about stupid shit.

That's all I have.

if you would of pulled that shit on me and my kids i would have cracked your head on the road. fuckin fiends

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
I have a little road rage myself from time to time....

Mini vans seem to cut me off very frequently.

But you put multiple peoples lives at risk pulling that "stunt"

I think you should tale your own advice...
ganjaluvr said:
It just seems like everyone is flipping out these days.. everyones in a bad mood.. and taking it out on other people.. and I just think that everyone needs to chill out.. smoke some bud.. and just live life.
Relax when you're behind the wheel.


Well-Known Member
if you would of pulled that shit on me and my kids i would have cracked your head on the road. fuckin fiends
say bro u need to calm down that lady got a dose of her own medicine and dont be a prick dident u read the ex part i commend this person for not using nymore this is a site for helping others whether it be getting their medicine helping the to grow it not being a jerk go somewhere else for that. Im gonna end with this dont sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff!!!


Active Member
I had two drivers in front of me doing pretty much the same thing except by the time the one in the right lane moved we were going so slow (about 45 or 50 in a 65 where most people do 70 or 75) that all the other cars were passing and I could not get over.

It was around 5:30 so this continued for about 10 fucking minutes and were both just sitting in the left lane doign 50 with all the traffic passing in the damn right lane until I finally got around her.

Instead of freaking out I just got in front of her and slowly decreased my speed so she would see what it feels like without getting too crazy. it took this unaware bitch until 30 mph before she realized what was happening and went around me... then I down shifted and blew passed her with an extended middle finger >:D

but I've found it really isn't worth it to lose your cool on the road, just put on some de-stressing music or something


Well-Known Member
YOU Need to chill the fuck out. Control yourself and your car before someone ends up dead.

You are going to let others control your emotions?


Active Member
Yeah man I understand that something like that can really get on our nerves, I hate when that shit happens as well, but don't be doing stupid shit like that. The idiotic drivers will get their day someday. You slammed ur e-brake going how fast? And your truck didn't flip while you were sliding sideways to a stop? Lolzzz you need to tape this shit next time haha


Well-Known Member
YOU Need to chill the fuck out. Control yourself and your car before someone ends up dead.

You are going to let others control your emotions?
for real.

I get the anger in the situation, I'd be pissed too.

but dude, that little exhibition you did will only fuck yourself up. sure you showed some lady and her kids that there are lunatics on the road.

she wont think you're better than her for pulling some shit. nothing will change for the better by you doing that. perhaps it's something inside of you that makes you think you'd go crazy if you had let it go down any other way. but it would have been so much better if you hadn't done anything, it would have been a normal day, with no bs.

so in essence, even if anger feels justified in a situation like that; it simply isn't worth it.


Well-Known Member
From our news today..

Krugersdorp - A woman died on Tuesday morning when a truck's trailer became detached and fell over as a result of a road rage incident, dumping 10 tons of live chickens in crates on top of her.

The crates fell off the trailer of a truck belonging to Early Bird which was travelling on the R563 route between Hekpoort and Krugersdorp in the Oaktree smallholdings area.

The truck was forced to slam on the brakes when a bakkie apparently swerved in front of it and, apparently wilfully, suddenly braked.

The 23-year-old pedestrian who was walking along the other side of the road, was killed when the crates fell on top of her.

Chickens escape

The police haven't been able to release her name, since her next of kin haven't been informed yet. She is originally from the Polokwane area.

The truck had been on its way from Early Bird's farm in Hekpoort to the main plant in Olifantsfontein near Midrand when the incident took place at 10:00.

Some of the chickens died in the incident, and others had to be put down at the scene to prevent further suffering. Others escaped out of their crates and ran about while Early Bird employees, the police and members of the SPCA scrambled to catch them.

Barend Vorster of Early Bird says the truck driver claims a white Ford Ranger bakkie with a blue drum on the back had swerved in front of him at the intersection leading to the Sterkfontein caves.

"According to the driver, he braked, and when he couldn't slow down in time, he swerved to the right and passed the bakkie to avoid a collision."

Driver lost temper

Apparently the bakkie driver lost his temper, made crude gestures at the truck driver and passed the truck again.

When the bakkie was once again in front of the truck, the driver braked hard, which forced the truck driver to do the same, Vorster explained.

It was apparently then that the trailer was detached, rolled over and fell on the woman on the other side of the road. The truck came to a stop about 300m further.

"It's a hill and with such a heavy load our driver couldn't drive much faster than 65km/h," Vorster said.

The company estimates the damage to be about R100 000.

"It's a pity that our driver couldn't get the bakkie's registration number," said Vorster.

The police are investigating the case.

- Beeld


Cage drivers bitching about other cagers. What a fucking laugh.


Wow. :-? I think you need to take your own advice and chill out. You're gonna end up killing someone or yourself one day if you keep this shit up.
I get road rage myself on occasion but never this bad. You need to learn to control yourself. Seriously.


New Member
silly junkie jonzin' needin' his fix, can't wait to get there.........
don't mean to call ya names, but that's pretty much it though isn't it?


Active Member
I have road rage too, not to that extent. This lady sounds like a bitch....pretty dumb doing that with children riding.... both of you, shame shame.


Well-Known Member
"It's normal for the driver's to use the right lane as the express lane in today's society.People don't give a damd' about who they cut off,tailgate or even run over.And that is before you throw the "Texting"while driving idiot's in the mix. It's a friggin free for all!But to endanger children? Show's two adult's acting like kid's to me too.


Well-Known Member
if you would of pulled that shit on me and my kids i would have cracked your head on the road. fuckin fiends
You're a fuckin dick. I guess this is what happens when dope fiends have licenses though.
silly junkie jonzin' needin' his fix, can't wait to get there.........
don't mean to call ya names, but that's pretty much it though isn't it?
All of you guys who mentioned anything about his past drug

use are fucking assholes. Seriously.

He's going to a clinic to try to kick the habit.
Get off his fucking back already.
He's been clean for 6 weeks.

This isn't about his personal struggles, although he decided
to throw it in there.

Don't pick at someone's imperfections and judge. Its pretty
fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Just to add, it wasn't right of you to sink down to her level
and pull the same thing she did.

But to all commentators, its still fucked up to not even
talk to him about his story, and then talk shit about

his struggling with a drug addiction.