RO Filter on a septic system

Uncle Reefer

Well-Known Member
My tap water is at 90ppm btw. Perhaps I could cut down on RO water by only using it for teas and adding microbes like Mammoth P and/or EM1. The in between watering would be with tap water only.
Get your water tested so you know what you are dealling with. Your tap water might be ideal for both drinking and growing, or you might have to just add magnesemto balance out your calcium for example.. THe reason that folk like 0 ppm water is that it is a blank canvas that you can add what ever you want to. THe real trick to conservation is to figure out how to use and reuse what you already have.

Get it tested first then go from there 90ppm is still good water

About the pathogens that might be in your water if you are drinking from a contaminated source you will need a different kind of water treatment for yourself and your family. This water will most likely be fine for plants if you arreate it. But for your drinking water, RO won't get you there, you will need filters and a UV light or some other o3 device at a minimum.

Again get your water tested
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