RIU tolerance break now over

That's Kuroi over there alright. Have to say i agree in that going over there and chatting probably isn't the best idea. I would personaly have issue with giving my IP adress and whatnot to a police forum. If anything it will just bring unwanted attention, fuck, i'm the one who is supposedly supposed to rent a place and grow for me and her, i don't particularly want any kind of link being made because of a desire to know if keander is ok, couldn't give 2 damns about hsi wellbeing, he wants to be a cop, why the fuck would i care about the wellbeing of someone like that? Next thing i'll know she'll be sat using my internet chatting on cop forums. Sigh. Sometimes her heart is far too large for her own good, had a bit of a tiff with her about the same thing on an unrelated subject at about 4am this morning.

Being strictly on topic though, bugger of keander, why would anyone here want to associate with someone who is trying to become a police officer? :lol:
oh lord are you gonna hear from her about this!!!!! dude take it from a chick, we don't want someone we are with talking about this kind of stuff among strangers on the internet. at least i wouldn't. good luck :eyesmoke:
oh lord are you gonna hear from her about this!!!!! dude take it from a chick, we don't want someone we are with talking about this kind of stuff among strangers on the internet. at least i wouldn't. good luck :eyesmoke:

We are not you ;) I tend to think we're mature enough to understand why something is said. I am her bf, i intend to start growing at the first possible convenience, i do not like the notion of her getting all cosy on a cop forum. seems fairly understanadable.

I don't particularly want her talking about how she is getting wet or yelling "FAPFAPFAPFAP" to a bunch of strangers over an asian music video that was posted, but i am nto some controlling person, she is an individual and can do as she pleases :) You clearly do not know kuroi too well, and i know you too chat, but she chats to strangers about EVERYTHING, it doesn't bother me, she is what she is and she's perfect.

Most blokes wouldn't want a girl talking about previous guys, doesn't really bother me, if she has something to say then it's probably forr a reason and i'll hear her out. We are not your typical couple.
We are not you ;) We both talk about a lot of things that each of us would not personally talk about. I tend to think we're mature enough to understand why something is said. I am her bf, i intend to start growing at the first possible convenience, i do not like the notion of her getting all cosy on a cop forum. Big wow.

I don't particularly want her talking about how she is getting wet or yelling "FAPFAPFAPFAP" to a bunch of strangers over an asian music video that was posted, but i am nto some controlling person, she is an individual and can do as she pleases :) You clearly do not know kuroi too well, and i know you too chat, but she chats to strangers about EVERYTHING, it doesn't bother me, she is what she is and she's perfect.

Most blokes wouldn't want a girl talking about previous guys, doesn't really bother me, if she has something to say then it's probably forr a reason and i'll hear her out. We are not your typical couple.
thats all really good you guys talk about everything dont care about talking to other guys.. i mean, its a pot forum who cares... but its the amount that was said over there that worries me for you lol, tons of info cops most definitely dont need to know about.... anorexia/bulimia are both terrible things they could of easily knew nothing about and been fine that way.. but why tell em... i dont see it as a bad thing to talk to a cop.. if your behind him in line at a gas station or something.. even then its.. how you doin.. good.. good..
Where is that little trouble maker Kalender? I was wondering if he has a little mustache, kinda like a Hitler mustache but a little more robust. This could be a clear sign that he's a cop.
Where is that little trouble maker Kalender? I was wondering if he has a little mustache, kinda like a Hitler mustache but a little more robust. This could be a clear sign that he's a cop.
find a picture of chris brown when he was 13.. looks just like our main marijuana activist cultivator kaendar
find a picture of chris brown when he was 13.. looks just like our main marijuana activist cultivator kaendar
Well that is interesting. Chris Brown huh? I pictured our little friend as a white skinned toothless vagrant enveloped in an mist of urine.
Well that is interesting. Chris Brown huh? I pictured our little friend as a white skinned toothless vagrant enveloped in an mist of urine.

nah hes quite gangster with his notched out eyebrows and aspirations to become the police
As i thought, i don't need any luck mysunnyboy, things are just fine :) Glad i'm not in such an insecure relationship that your advice would be deemed worth listening to. (not meaning that to sound derrogative, just that we have somehting that is not hampered by such trivial things)
Sorry. I'm too honest and a liability. I'm just going to disappear now.
Lol, nooooo don't do that!

But seriously, what were you thinking posting there?

edit: I don't mean to say you can't post where ever you damn well please, and granted I didn't read your posts, but from what I've heard and what you said prior to posting there, it was just to inquire about Kaendar.
heres how i see it, those assholes wouldnt even think twice about popping any of us for something as little as some weed. even a kid riding my dirtbike on dirtroads and shit, only got caught once but they got me for.. trespassing.. a field in the winter.. along with agricultural vandalism :( a cop will pin anything on you.. ever get popped for something real, heres an example.. possession of weed.. a lot of weed though thats in 2 bags.. now youre a dealer, you had a pipe and a roach, 2 counts of paraphenalia.. blunt roach and pipe... you asked the cop why you got stopped.. disorderly conduct, they take your keys from you after they tell you to pull them out of the ignition. and they throw them in the snow and lose them.. mind its a laser engraved vw key. your little bro is with you, so thank god you werent smoking and didnt get hit with the dui.. but you got a case of beer in the trunk, so now youre buying alcohol for minors... now what the worst part about it is you go to jail because your bails super high for a ton of bullshit. and they dont toss charges right there and then, have fun sitting and waiting for the preliminary
We are not you ;) I tend to think we're mature enough to understand why something is said. I am her bf, i intend to start growing at the first possible convenience, i do not like the notion of her getting all cosy on a cop forum. seems fairly understanadable.

I don't particularly want her talking about how she is getting wet or yelling "FAPFAPFAPFAP" to a bunch of strangers over an asian music video that was posted, but i am nto some controlling person, she is an individual and can do as she pleases :) You clearly do not know kuroi too well, and i know you too chat, but she chats to strangers about EVERYTHING, it doesn't bother me, she is what she is and she's perfect.

Most blokes wouldn't want a girl talking about previous guys, doesn't really bother me, if she has something to say then it's probably forr a reason and i'll hear her out. We are not your typical couple.
:clap: good for you, no you aren't your typical couple, most don't meet on marijuana cultivation site and fall in love but hey more power to you :eyesmoke:

double feature
I can't even think of anything to say right now. I've been so captivated by these last 18 pages of posts, one of the most entertaining threads ever!!! Kaendar is like the Howard Stern of RIU, he seems to have pissed off so many ppl on this forum all he has to do is start a thread and shit starts poppin off.

Or maybe the Howard Stern thing is a lil off. Maybe its more like driving by a wreck on the fwy and the cops have it all taped off and u see that bloody arm hanging out the crumpled door and u can't help going as slowly as possible so u can check it out. Idk not sure which.