RIU Presidential Election - Lets vote shall we?


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Well-Known Member
The only reason "those two are the only ones with any chance" is because you buy into those lies the msm feeds you.

Voting isn't a horse race, you don't pick who you think is going to win. Voting is for you to pick who YOU think the BEST person for the job is..

Thank you to the others who realize this-
damn you're from Ohio too?


Well-Known Member
at least he will not raise taxes to spread to all his democratic politician buddies to do watever they want with those so called programs. mccain is going to weed out a lot of unnecessary programs that are worthless.
obama is going to take away that extra income credit you know. i hope you were not enjoying those 1,000 per child act on your taxes because its going to.:wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
I refuse to pay to be lied to. LOL..

I don't blame you there. lol

Yes, I get ya.

I'm in the Hocking Hills region- smack almost smack dab between Lancaster n Athens.
Oh shit, I know where you are..cool. Nelsonville area? well you don't have to say but i get ya. :)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah a fellow buckeye voting green. You know Ohio is a key state, i think we should try to convince everyone in Ohio to vote green. think we can do it in two months?
Yes I know ... but you must remember Ohio was stolen and a lot of election fraud continues to take place in the state ... still have the very crackable ... with the secret software ... diebold and es&s ... the only way to stop the fraud is vote in large numbers ... that's why Blackwell ... man who help steal election in 2004 ... didn't make it as governor ... the point spread between him and Stricklen was too big ... if is more than a 10 point spread they can't steal it ...

LOL.. haven't watched tv in almost a year..

What area of Ohio you guys in?
I'm 65 miles east of Cleveland ... :bigjoint: I had my cable cut back in Nov. 2004 ... what I can't get with rabbit ears ... and it ain't much ... I don't watch ... and when they go digital ... no more broadcast tv ... it won't be missed ... I only watch the weather ... local news ... corporate news ... to see how much they are lying ... and PBS. I figure I watch about an 30mins to 2hrs of TV a day ... if that ... :eyesmoke:

at least he will not raise taxes to spread to all his democratic politician buddies to do watever they want with those so called programs. mccain is going to weed out a lot of unnecessary programs that are worthless.
obama is going to take away that extra income credit you know. i hope you were not enjoying those 1,000 per child act on your taxes because its going to.:wall::wall::wall::wall:
What a dream world you are in:dunce: ... the repukes cause a trillion dollar debt ... and climbing ... so it's alright for the repukes to give their buddies in the military industrial complex ... billions ...you must have some really powerful smoke:lol::eyesmoke: ... how long has it been making you hallucinate?


New Member
Bob Barr is a neo-libertarian. When he was a Republican congressman, he DID vote for smaller government ... but he was very staunch against ANY easing of the marijuana laws.

After 25 years in the Libertarian Party, I'm voting Republican this time. Ron Paul was my first choice, but now with Palin in there, she's getting my vote. Fuck McCain ... he just comes along with the package. bongsmilie



Active Member
If I lived in the USA Barack Obama would get my vote for sure, even as a Canadian i am still routing for him to win, Simple fact is that I believe he is the best shot for full legalization, and if the USA moves for full legalilzation Canada will follow suit very quickly (providing that we can get fucktard Stephen Harper out of office and get the Librials back in office) So cross you fingers that he wins and the conservatives over here lose, If even one of theis dont happen we could lose the chance of a life time (if both happen neither side will put preasure on the other aginst it)

you mean the same obama who was talking about the "dirty oil" being processed in alberta?


Well-Known Member
Well the ppl in ohio should open there eyes after DHL fucked them neither one of them two give a shit about are jobs!!!!! Its the same every were with ppl loosing there jobs


Well-Known Member
...but now with Palin in there, she's getting my vote. Fuck McCain ... he just comes along with the package. bongsmilie

Flawed reasoning. If McCain takes the election, Palin's primary role will be that of a tie-breaker in the Senate. She will not have any role in vetoing any legislation sent to the Executive Office for signature authority. McCain will call the shots...not Palin. I have to say Vi, I'm rather surprised, and disappointed, how quickly and easily you turned. A person with strong convictions is not easily swayed.


New Member
Bob Barr is a neo-libertarian. When he was a Republican congressman, he DID vote for smaller government ... but he was very staunch against ANY easing of the marijuana laws.

After 25 years in the Libertarian Party, I'm voting Republican this time. Ron Paul was my first choice, but now with Palin in there, she's getting my vote. Fuck McCain ... he just comes along with the package. bongsmilie

Genious, just genious. You are so desperate for right wing "stuff" you'd vote for WWIII and the biggest fuck up the US would ever have for president. See my post about the forestal and maybe re-think your vote. Yeah you can poo-poo it, but what if it was true. Is this the guy you'd hand the nuclear football to? If there was even a chance this Idiot did it (And he did), don't you think he hasn't the brains to be president??? I guess you're hoping McSame dies right after taking the oath, that may fit your agenda.


Well-Known Member
... the repukes cause a trillion dollar debt ... and climbing ...
Actually, HR 3221, sponsored by Pelosi, placed a clause (section 3083) to increase the federal deficit to 10 Trillion dollars. It passed the Senate with a vote of 72 to 13 (with 15 not voting). Out of all the "NAY" votes, not a single one was a Dem...
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Here's the text of the Bill...
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Here's Section 3083...

  • Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $10,615,000,000,000.