RIU posters.. check your plants.


Well-Known Member
I hope they get caught their growing in Topanga State Park this is a back yard grow? I think not!
We are in Calif. where you can grow if you have a card.
Anyone who does this deserves to get caught and put in prison period!
These assholes are the ones that keep Marijuana illegal by growing in public places and putting out traps to hurt
hikers, their the ones that dam off water and kill off the plants that rely on that water. They tear up stuff and leave their
litter. So thats how I feel about guerrilla grows bro.


Well-Known Member
I hope they get caught their growing in Topanga State Park this is a back yard grow? I think not!
We are in Calif. where you can grow if you have a card.
Anyone who does this deserves to get caught and put in prison period!
These assholes are the ones that keep Marijuana illegal by growing in public places and putting out traps to hurt
hikers, their the ones that dam off water and kill off the plants that rely on that water. They tear up stuff and leave their
litter. So thats how I feel about guerrilla grows bro.
.............................if it were legal they wouldnt be doing this, who do we blame ;)


New Member
I hope they get caught their growing in Topanga State Park this is a back yard grow? I think not!
We are in Calif. where you can grow if you have a card.
Anyone who does this deserves to get caught and put in prison period!
These assholes are the ones that keep Marijuana illegal by growing in public places and putting out traps to hurt
hikers, their the ones that dam off water and kill off the plants that rely on that water. They tear up stuff and leave their
litter. So thats how I feel about guerrilla grows bro.
I agree, but they are probably "legal" guys over their limit trying to turn a medicinal law into drug dealing thing. Yet they are the first to cry "unfair".


Well-Known Member
Sigh? It was a $100M operation lol. I believe as strongly as anyone that our favorite plant should be freely enjoyed and legal but there is a big difference between a guy with a tent in his basement and this. A raid on the little guy is worthy of a sigh for sure, but these guys had to expect it sooner or later right?


New Member
Sigh? It was a $100M operation lol. I believe as strongly as anyone that our favorite plant should be freely enjoyed and legal but there is a big difference between a guy with a tent in his basement and this. A raid on the little guy is worthy of a sigh for sure, but these guys had to expect it sooner or later right?
Before you go and judge with your pointed hat and your soapbox, I agree these morons should be caught and jailed. I do also agree the guy in his basement over his limit selling to workers and friends should be too.. I do also think that 95% of the posters here are doing either of those two options as well...so.. go ahead now?!


Well-Known Member
I blame the idiots that sell to Hi School kids, I blame the people that seem to think they can write their own laws and
grow more then they should, I blame the guys that sell over state lines where it's not legal.
I'll even go as far as the people that feel it's their right to MEDICATE on the street in public.
You want to hear more??


Well-Known Member
Damn people are touchy around here. I wasn't judging anyone. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking to you and like you said if it's the little guy growing in a tent in his basement it would suck as long as he's
abiding by the laws in their state.
I think BigBudda didn't get any this morning or his boss told him off first thing this morning LOL!!


New Member
I wasn't talking to you and like you said if it's the little guy growing in a tent in his basement it would suck as long as he's
abiding by the laws in their state.
I think BigBudda didn't get any this morning or his boss told him off first thing this morning LOL!!
You are calling me the angry troll? HAHAHA

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
.............................if it were legal they wouldnt be doing this, who do we blame ;)
on their property not state park '

wtf to grow where people hike vs own property and be legit

fuck gorrila growers who fuck up the enviroment for profit . . .bunch of pieces of shit if you ask me!!

polluting and destroying natural habitat with no ambition to return it to its natural state . . .. should be a crime


Well-Known Member
Well you say you would feel bad if a little basement grow gets busted...and my question is what about the people that's states have no laws and it is all just illegal...medical or not...
I mean not everyone gets the benefit of these med laws, in which case those people have to break the law...so are they scum too?


Well-Known Member
Well you say you would feel bad if a little basement grow gets busted...and my question is what about the people that's states have no laws and it is all just illegal...medical or not...
I mean not everyone gets the benefit of these med laws, in which case those people have to break the law...so are they scum too?
Not sure if that was for me or not, but no..I did not limit my comment about basement grows to cardholders. I think it totally sucks that not everybody who wants to can have a basement grow. So, a little guy getting raided makes me sigh whether they are legal or not.

Good point about the environment, Sam. Beyond hauling stuff into the woods and leaving trash, what about the ground? Consider the nutes and additives they could be putting in there. Good for mj plants maybe, but not necessarily for the natural environment. If it made for great soil afterward, we'd all be reusing soil and we don't.

It's all good, BigBuddah.


Misguided Angel
The biggest problem is this kind of media exposure is a step backward for what we are trying to accomplish. Legalization would go a long way to hamper these kinds of things from happening, when you are dealing with that kind of operation it is almost for sure that some form of organized crime is involved...


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for those that live in a back woods State, and I wish them luck in their indevers,.
But when I see some body from a legel State breaking the local laws (to extreems) it showes
those that dont why they don't cause it makes you stupid and lazy like those that are in it just for the profit,
they get caught and cry cause the Leos are doing their job, maybe do what they say you can do and not a bit more
or your beraking the Law!![video=youtube_share;1cILBcpv2fw]http://youtu.be/1cILBcpv2fw[/video]


Well-Known Member
It's people like this that ruin it for everyone. I'd like to grow one or two plants, just for myself, not to sell. Just something for me, for medical purposes, (or recreational, it's really no one's business). But I can't, because the government says no. Even though my state says I can. Blah.


Well-Known Member
The paper does seem confused. Almost sounds like some Viet Nam days reporting on the numbers. Goes up every time.

Picture caption says 37,000 plants. Article states 34,000 ...

Ambitious for something so close to low air traffic etc, if you trust the source. Actual plant counts tend to be lower. Just like body counts were.

"Sir, if we break off the branches does that make this 8 plants? ..."
"I cut down this Willow sapling by mistake ... Count it."


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.............................if it were legal they wouldnt be doing this, who do we blame ;)
I do not agree. Even if/when marijuana becomes completely legal there will still be a very strong profit motive for some people to steal water, electricity, habitat to undercut the bottom line of legal growers.


Well-Known Member
I do not agree. Even if/when marijuana becomes completely legal there will still be a very strong profit motive for some people to steal water, electricity, habitat to undercut the bottom line of legal growers.
OMG you're right. I never thought of that. But wait...if everybody can grow their own and no one is buying it...there's no profit in it really. Wait. What?