RIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL


Ursus marijanus
It's even more of a test when they do all that they can to give you a glimpse.

Yoho, they tested me hard, so haaaard :)
Your lobes; they're frontal!

Yeah we'll all be growin' in our state rooms and complainin' LOL
Aboard the Scow Chemical, I'll have many rooms. (Call it a compound, maybe.) I plan to be in more than one state, sometimes even concurrently. I am working on a d̶r̶u̶g̶ psychic nutrient that produces projective diplopia. How many me am I holding up?


Well-Known Member
I have given it a considerable amount of thought. I am in. As far a services/roles for me: well firstly, I will help kill cannibal rats. I picture something along the lines of a jury-rigged rat proof suit a la Red Buttons in "Hatari" with a net and baseball bat. This phase might last a while. I can also provide help in expert asbestos removal (chuck it over the side). She'll probably need a lick of paint. I have a gallon and a half left over from a domestic job. After that I think I could fill in anywhere. The galley, swamper, trimmer... Whatever needs doing. Eventually conflicts may arise even though we should have enough space for all schools of growing. Still, it may be necessary to appoint a judicial official to be the final arbiter-of-what-is-right-and-good. I would be interested in this post if nobody else wants it. Additionally I feel I have something to bring to any concept we might choose to form resembling a clergy - especially if it involves lots of "flex time" and better quarters than the rabble.


Well-Known Member
I have given it a considerable amount of thought. I am in. As far a services/roles for me: well firstly, I will help kill cannibal rats. I picture something along the lines of a jury-rigged rat proof suit a la Red Buttons in "Hatari" with a net and baseball bat. This phase might last a while. I can also provide help in expert asbestos removal (chuck it over the side). She'll probably need a lick of paint. I have a gallon and a half left over from a domestic job. After that I think I could fill in anywhere. The galley, swamper, trimmer... Whatever needs doing. Eventually conflicts may arise even though we should have enough space for all schools of growing. Still, it may be necessary to appoint a judicial official to be the final arbiter-of-what-is-right-and-good. I would be interested in this post if nobody else wants it. Additionally I feel I have something to bring to any concept we might choose to form resembling a clergy - especially if it involves lots of "flex time" and better quarters than the rabble.
After review of your resume and qualifications, we'd like to extend you the following Job offer:

Job Description: Rat Removal Crew.
Job Duties Include: Being bait.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
After review of your resume and qualifications, we'd like to extend you the following Job offer:

Job Description: Rat Removal Crew.
Job Duties Include: Being bait.
I think JJ said something about making a mint being a floating roach coach of deep fried rattie goodness off Haiphong/Gulf of Tonkin somewhere. So you may want to consider the loot we would squander. Then again seeing him dressed in pirate gear chasing rats could be worth some of our initial capital, so to speak.


Ursus marijanus
After review of your resume and qualifications, we'd like to extend you the following Job offer:

Job Description: Rat Removal Crew.
Job Duties Include: Being bait.
Promotion to Journeyman Bait is a real possibility.
As for expert asbestos removal, the Scow Chemical will make you a handsome offer for any asbestos whose expertness can be proven by provider.


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, people buy old oil rigs in the middle of the ocean and claim sovereignty. It can be done. Legally.

We could grow all the pot we wanted!!