RIU Mod Squad Needed!

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Sunni, I've reconsidered your offer, and have decided that I am willing to be a mod for you, but only of a very specifically limited scope. I will moderate the members who can't use the proper forms of your/you're, their/there/they're, its/it's, etc.. Improper usage will of course result in an immediate ban upon the first offense of any member.
Please stop cluttering up this thread, it’s for mod candidates only. Thanks.
"Nazi's" should be capitalized, as it is a proper noun. Enjoy the site while you can, because as soon as @sunni gives me my new powers, you will be the first to go. Two offenses in the same thread? Unbelievable!
No they shouldn't .... there lies the problem.... we need a middle finger and 100 emoji lol
You cannot convet what people are really implying via text over voices as they do not introduce tone, I very seriously doubt anyone here is arguing :)

Right it couldn’t possible be a decade of history and known users who have issues with eachother consistently that I have to constantly attend and deal with

I wouldn’t ever know what people are implying over text lol
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