RIU Mod Squad Needed!

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Staff member
Want to volunteer your time here and help the staff?

All requirements and info is here:

This thread isnt a go at Sunni thread where you can pick apart the admin staff, if you have issues feel free to inbox me.

If you have general questions about mod squad let me know after reading the link above

If you wanna be a silly goose be a silly goose.
I was under the assumption that a couple of new mods were added a few weeks ago..........when the other thread was started.
I was under the assumption that a couple of new mods were added a few weeks ago..........when the other thread was started.

so we originally ask for mods in September 2022 so its been 6 months., two people passed the beginning stage than they were asked if they wanted to up their duties, now they are going through a secondary "training"

than hopefully they continue on and stay on,

now i am able to accept another group of newer mods,

when you have a volunteer position that requires learning a forum, learning rules, etc it takes time, and not everyone stays, we ideally need more than 4 mods on the entire forum.
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