RIU Lurkers SUCK!

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Active Member
Lol, read though my posts and you will see i have told people many times where i live, Canning town.

Boxed to keep out of trouble, what do you mean no one fights one on one? It's only pussies like you that dont.

Do you know percy road, canning town?
i dont agree with more than 1 on 1 but if you carnt beat em join em thats my motto and it saved me alot of trouble.

well maybe you did then and no dont no it omly the station when passin throw it not clever to walk throw diffent estates uninvited if u no what i mean.

there people on this estate that have never left it and never will. i omly leave to go to central london and canery wholf areas. apart from visitin m8s and family.


Well-Known Member
This thread looks like it went downhill pretty nicely. But yea i relate full i have like 250 views with like 20 posts mostly by me. So somebody want to shine some light on a newb click the link in my sig. ;)


Active Member
There we go kid, i'l do the work for you.

10th post by me, written 3 months ago.

Have an eye ball. https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/282717-cockney-rhyming-slang.html
lol saw your poast i agree with you we dont use it it only the old school gangsters that realy talk like it nowdays. you alwase hare cockney it the pubs tho the older guys are funney. i think some of them just get pissed and make it up on the spot.

cockney slangs old school and will have died out in east london in a the near future. every one nos what it means now days so theres no point useing it to be descrete its more likely to attract attion than any thing else lol.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
i dont agree with more than 1 on 1 but if you carnt beat em join em thats my motto and it saved me alot of trouble.

well maybe you did then and no dont no it omly the station when passin throw it not clever to walk throw diffent estates uninvited if u no what i mean.

there people on this estate that have never left it and never will. i omly leave to go to central london and canery wholf areas. apart from visitin m8s and family.

All that shit about you carnt walk through other areas is bullshit, i get about everywhere, never have no trouble. From broadwater farm to strawbury vale, north , east ,south and west.

I know the East end like the back of my hand, from bethnal green to harold wood and can say that gang crime isn't really that bad, or not as bad as north, south and west.


Active Member
All that shit about you carnt walk through other areas is bullshit, i get about everywhere, never have no trouble. From broadwater farm to strawbury vale, north , east ,south and west.

I know the East end like the back of my hand, from bethnal green to harold wood and can say that gang crime isn't really that bad, or not as bad as north, south and west.
havent been out after dark much have we you sceen east ham at night?

well i suppose the organised gangs ent about too mutch but dont even try and say you can walk throw east ham at night not noing anyone and not get mugged buy 4 or 5 crack heads on a hype.

that or a bunch or kids with knifes.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
havent been out after dark much have we you sceen east ham at night?

well i suppose the organised gangs ent about too mutch but dont even try and say you can walk throw east ham at night not noing anyone and not get mugged buy 4 or 5 crack heads on a hype.

that or a bunch or kids with knifes.
You clearly don't go out much at all do you, you didn't learn at school because you didn't want to get hurt, you don't go out after dark for the same reason.

You are really milking it mate, it's fucking East ham, not South side L.A.

There are over 50 worse places to live in london, damn, Edmonton in North London i really rough, , if you carn't last in your East ham i doubt you would last anywhere.

Bite the bullet, grab you bollocks and fucking leave your house. It's really not that bad out there.


Well-Known Member
POSTS> lmao.. its not like toast but i see where you get it from but it does say POST reply on the screen. But Its Ok. just laughs for my high ass. Go check out my first grow if u get a chance. Nothing special yet but its only getting better. 2 White Widows 2 green Cracks and 1 alskan thunder fuck. ;)


Well-Known Member
lol yh i carnt spell but is helped my with my poast count tho every one seems to look down on my for it haha.
someone already told you how to properly spell "post". no one here is going to beat you up. you choose to make yourself appear uneducated. why? :-|


Well-Known Member
Im thinking attention. Its working. Why not let him build his POAST count while sacrificing his rep. Lol . JK im bored someone go flame my grow.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. Thank Looking Forward To it. Anybody else feel free to join. Im not sensitive. Ok Just a little


Active Member
You clearly don't go out much at all do you, you didn't learn at school because you didn't want to get hurt, you don't go out after dark for the same reason.

You are really milking it mate, it's fucking East ham, not South side L.A.

There are over 50 worse places to live in london, damn, Edmonton in North London i really rough, , if you carn't last in your East ham i doubt you would last anywhere.

Bite the bullet, grab you bollocks and fucking leave your house. It's really not that bad out there.
if you remember i never clamed it to be a ghetto just routh for outsiders well im done hear its been entertaining thanks.

some place in the u.s.a are really bad thats cus of the guns and unorganised dumb gangsters that will kill some one for a wrong look i wouldnt compere east ham to detroit or l.a at all.

i wish some one who knew what they were talkin about was in hear im talkin bout east ham not your area.

i go out alot i spend most weekends down the pub all day. and have no problos with any one cus i grew up hear.

if you dont agree take a walk to east ham tonight and let the crack heds take your stuff and your pride.

thanks for helpin me up my posts tho. cya around.

POSTS> lmao.. its not like toast but i see where you get it from but it does say POST reply on the screen. But Its Ok. just laughs for my high ass. Go check out my first grow if u get a chance. Nothing special yet but its only getting better. 2 White Widows 2 green Cracks and 1 alskan thunder fuck. ;)
haha will do m8.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
if you remember i never clamed it to be a ghetto just routh for outsiders well im done hear its been entertaining thanks.

some place in the u.s.a are really bad thats cus of the guns and unorganised dumb gangsters that will kill some one for a wrong look i wouldnt compere east ham to detroit or l.a at all.

i wish some one who knew what they were talkin about was in hear im talkin bout east ham not your area.

i go out alot i spend most weekends down the pub all day. and have no problos with any one cus i grew up hear.

if you dont agree take a walk to east ham tonight and let the crack heds take your stuff and your pride.

thanks for helpin me up my posts tho. cya around.

haha will do m8.

Get som bollocks you coward,

Well done on getting post spelt right too, i think that must of been hard for you to manage.


Well-Known Member
wow dude can you at least make an attempt to sound the least bit educated? Is your keyboard missing keys is it broke or whats the problem? I just want to help.
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