RIU Indoor Harvest 2011 Cola Contest!


Active Member

I was wondering is that wax papper your buds are sitting on? is the fan running?
Haha no its some extra silk screen left over from the homemade bubble buckets that I made. Its just a really fine mesh that worked well for making an improvised drying rack. And no the fan is not on, it was just an easy way to raise the nugs off the floor so they could airflow underneath


Well-Known Member
sounds like if the fan was sucking down and you had a fine ass screen on the other side u could dry and suck up all the loose kief!


Active Member
sounds like if the fan was sucking down and you had a fine ass screen on the other side u could dry and suck up all the loose kief!
hmmm....*scratches chin thoughtfully*....you might be on to something. A rapid drying, kief catching dry rack


Active Member
That was the best think to watch right after a long days work, thanks Lonestand that was a sick vid.


Well-Known Member
Hello all Hope every one is staying warm, as my town has recived its first snow, its sure gonna be a long winter!

just posted a nice Northern Lights 5 haze COLA on my grow thought some may want to check it out --------> CLICK HERE

Also a Grow Friendly Hot Sauce is Discovered



Well-Known Member
Here's the last pics I took before I broke my camera. These were taken Oct.10, wish I had newer pics, they plumped up real nice over the last three weeks.

This is my ak47 plant which I harvested today (9weeks) so that pic is them at 6 weeks

A mixture of bubba kush, master kush, white siberian, and ak47 colas (at 6 weeks)
IMG_4445.jpg :joint::mrgreen: