RIU Censorship

^^^same could be said for the herb in your shoebox grow:roll:
Yes that is a good comparison but the fact remains, the morbidity rate for marijuana as we all know is zero, but heroin and other opiates have a much different result.

I'm not saying that the ability to grow your own medicine is in debate here, it's just that the OP's original post was a how to on "cooking" codeine, I can't see a judge or any other legal professional seeing how, growing a plant and instructions on how to create synthetic heroin are the same thing.

It's not so much about how "we" feel about this issue, it's how the "law" feels about it....but I could be wrong here and I'm willing to admit that.
I learned all about the cost of coke by the rope and seen some good folks lost from dope. It's almost always the same song... broken dreams and dead friends.
just had a life long buddy die from a overdose.ill never do it..but people can do what they want