Rise in far-right threats against Justin Trudeau, police warn

Spiritual values are incommensurable with any pyramids or colossus with feet of clay ...

Spiritual values are incommensurable with any pyramids or colossus with feet of clay .... These are eternal values! Are you talking about a hodgepodge? This is not there a bit!)))

get your vaccine yet?
Now I will write in large size: Harry Webb Killed on December 10, 2004 under mysterious circumstances from two bullet wounds to the head. The official investigation ruled that this was suicide.

Harry Webb is a real figure, strange that there is no wiki about him! Only in Russian, unfortunately ...

he is also a traitor))))), like Snowden, he revealed the secret of nuclear warheads)))

Do you even know your story ?! I doubt it very much !!!
You will be reading a lot more internal websites in the future, but URL requests and incoming traffic won't be too badly affected, getting hardware to view it might be more difficult though. If china sells a toothpick to Ruaaia in a couple of years, they won't be doing much business with America or the western world, just as soon as we get our ducks lined up. Manufacturing is highly automated and much can be home sourced these days with robots doing much future work, time to start making stuff again.
Now I will write in large size: Harry Webb Killed on December 10, 2004 under mysterious circumstances from two bullet wounds to the head. The official investigation ruled that this was suicide.
Shit happens when nukes are involved, maybe he was a lousy shot and needed two to do himself?
Shit happens when nukes are involved, maybe he was a lousy shot and needed two to do himself?
I tried to commit suicide, I don't have enough willpower for the second shot! This is definitely not suicide! Don't make a fool of me!
I tried to commit suicide, I don't have enough willpower for the second shot! This is definitely not suicide! Don't make a fool of me!
There was a guy who committed suicide by drilling several holes in his own head with an electric drill, a novel approach for sure, the last hole did the job.
Ernest Hemingway tried to shoot himself several times, but it did not work, as a result, he pulled two triggers at once in a double-barreled gun! He was paranoid that the CIA was following him. Honor it or not !!
Ernest Hemingway tried to shoot himself several times, but it did not work, as a result, he pulled two triggers at once in a double-barreled gun! He was paranoid that the CIA was following him. Honor it or not !!
He was a lifelong alcoholic at the end of the road, his health was failing and he could no longer be the man he imagined himself to be, he could no longer drink, by then he lived to drink.
There was a Guy who committed suicide by drilling seveal holes in his own head with an electric drill, a novel approach for sure, the last hole did the job.
It is not true!
Either he's a fool! In the Guinness records, a man ate 18 sawn bicycles, I don’t consider assholes !!!!
Do I believe it or Harry Webb ?! Don't be confused! These are facts, not speculations!
Webb was found dead in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office.[68] After a local paper reported that he had died from multiple gunshots, the coroner's office received so many calls asking about Webb's death that Sacramento County Coroner Robert Lyons issued a statement confirming Webb had died by suicide.[69] When asked by local reporters about the possibility of two gunshots being a suicide, Lyons replied: "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots, but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility." News coverage noted that there were widespread rumors on the Internet at the time that Webb had been killed as retribution for his "Dark Alliance" series, published eight years before. Webb's ex-wife Susan Bell told reporters that she believed Webb had died by suicide.[69] "The way he was acting it would be hard for me to believe it was anything but suicide," she said. According to Bell, Webb had been unhappy for some time over his inability to get a job at another major newspaper. He had sold his house the week before his death because he was unable to afford the mortgage.[6
He was a lifelong alcoholic at the end of the road, his health was failing and he could no longer be the man he imagined himself to be, he could no longer drink, by then he lived to drink.
What have you done for the world like him ?! I respect him for "The Boy and the Sea", but I don't know you at all! You judge the eternal, as if you sit in McDonald's and eat a huge hamburger and your mouth falls out ..
It is not true!
Either he's a fool! In the Guinness records, a man ate 18 sawn bicycles, I don’t consider assholes !!!!

[Case reports of suicide with an electric drill]
[Article in German]
Andreas Schmeling 1, Eberhard Lignitz, Hansjürg Strauch
Affiliations expand
  • PMID: 12722555
In this report, three cases of suicide by an electric power drill are described. In the first case, a man aged 51 was found with four penetrating wounds of the head and chest. The second case involves a 56-year-old man who suffered a penetrating craniocerebral injury and the third case involves a 53-year-old man who suffered one head injury and two chest injuries. In the first two cases, the victims were found dead. In the third case, the victim survived his injuries for 28 hours. The case histories and the post-mortem examinations revealed no evidence of homicide.
What have you done for the world like him ?! I respect him for "The Boy and the Sea", but I don't know you at all! You judge the eternal, as if you sit in McDonald's and eat a huge hamburger and your mouth falls out ..
I'm just relating biographical facts about who the man was in his personal life that lead him to suicide. Suicide is quite common among alcoholics. He didn't do himself in over fear of the CIA as you alluded.
During this time, the writer developed a resentment towards the FBI officials who were assigned to monitor his activities — ironically calling them “Franco’s Iron Cavalry” and a bunch of “Nazi mediocrity.”
