Rippers suck...


Last week some douchie bastards ripped seven plants... Two Blue Dream, Two Sour Diesel, Two GDP's and one Strawberry Cough.. I was left with one broken eight foot Strawberry Cough.. I got it to survive by zip tying the broken main stock and supporting all of the branches.. It is shocked but should produce some decent buds.. I guess it could have been worse.

I don't understand how somebody could just see the results of months of my hard work and figure they'd just take it.. People suck...

Be vigilant brothers...


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear it dude....people do suck...bad. But it's not ALL people. I don't get it either, I don't know how they sleep at night.


Yeah not all people.. I will have surveillance setup on my grow next year.. Nightvision cameras that send pictures to my phone when somebody walks past them.. I am gonna catch the bastards next time they try this shyte. I hear rippers are getting pretty brave around here... I live on a few acres and have a 120 lb german shepherd and 85 lb rottie. The shepherd is super aggro, I don't know how they got past him.. I hate to think that it was somebody I know.


grow indoors! buy guns!
I have a nice indoor setup.. Just thought I'd try my hand at outdoor.. Those electric bills are so expensive and the sun is so free... :)

As for guns.. Nah.. I have 'em.. I wouldn't use one on a ripper unless I absolutely had to. But the dogs.. Yeah, I'd let the dogs go to town on 'em. Thinking of adding a Belgian Malinois to the pack, that's a trifecta no sane man would think of screwing with. Gotta get a doggie door so they can all go in and out.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it they rip off my plants when they are not ready so it won't even be that potent. I like the camera idea I will start planning the same myself for next year.
Never give up!


Active Member
I have my area fenced/locked with cameras that I can view from my phone, that way when Im at work I can check in and monitor my babies. My brother lives less than 5 minutes away and is always a phone call away. Gives me a little piece of mind. Rippers are one of the lowest forms of a human. All the hard work and time that goes into a grow, I truly feel for any guys out there that get jacked, it can happen to anyone of us.


Well-Known Member
It's sad to day but, if you grow outside, you stand a good chance of getting ripped. Once you get ripped the first time they'll keep coming back.