ripped off

do you notice a trend- I incriminate myself, that helps me not do the wrong thing because ill be caught. I had told on him to the cash side of the poker room to prevent myself acting out. But hes on tourneys, and sitting over there as if he didnt rob me!!!
there is nothing juicy about this fake story, if it was fake id say i shot him or beat him and his cousins up. Its a horrible sob story at best. Its still early, maybe Ill go play poker and win a huge bad beat jackpot...
Nope, When i faced him I was tilting and im still not in a proper state of mind. When he robbed me it took me off the poker table for over 3 weeks.
there is no such thing as 50% gypsy, you married out of the family= 0 percent gypsy unless you are a fake uk gypsy. You need arranged marriages in a gypsy culture. and they dont marry outside. are you Oushanna?
The gypsy thing is a half joke, sorry if I offended you. Hes supposedly assyrian, which isnt gypsy. But then I see all his weird cousins looking alike, andits like gypsies. Im so dumb i didnt look up his phone until after - google search shows him being a scammer claiming to be fbi and harassing people? I am dumb for sure, but it doesnt make his scam a proper thing to do. I can grow a plant but his soul is corrupt.
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I like the gypsies, even though theyve tried to scam me. I typically like assyrians too because they are usually rich older gentleman. If you wanted to picture this kid- its the guy that furio got an extra grand from, and tried to kill Moltisanti. He is a poker pro with 5 wins on hendon mob? And he was staked for the 20k win?
I think the op should let that dudes mom shit on his chest while jacking off and take a selfie. Then send it to the dude and call it even.

Because then he can feel good knowing the dudes whole family shit all over him.

Oh and give them a couple more pounds while you’re at it.
well mods... IF dagwood EMAILS and refers to this thread then dagwood would be a narc. Dont do that dagwood, just refer to the situation, do a copy paste minus the forum, but dont refer him to this thread. I know its wrong for me to put his name up so ill take it down since none of you will ever meet him anyways. If you refer the guy who robbed me to this thread then you are messing me up because then hed know more than he does about where weed comes from. He may even figure out you can grow it instead of stealing it.
well mods... IF dagwood EMAILS and refers to this thread then dagwood would be a narc. Dont do that dagwood, just refer to the situation, do a copy paste minus the forum, but dont refer him to this thread. I know its wrong for me to put his name up so ill take it down since none of you will ever meet him anyways. If you refer the guy who robbed me to this thread then you are messing me up because then hed know more than he does about where weed comes from. He may even figure out you can grow it instead of stealing it.

You didn't claim he was a cop.
well mods... IF dagwood EMAILS and refers to this thread then dagwood would be a narc. Dont do that dagwood, just refer to the situation, do a copy paste minus the forum, but dont refer him to this thread. I know its wrong for me to put his name up so ill take it down since none of you will ever meet him anyways. If you refer the guy who robbed me to this thread then you are messing me up because then hed know more than he does about where weed comes from. He may even figure out you can grow it instead of stealing it.

Be a man, not a puss.

WTF is wrong with you?