Ripped Off??


I met the guy over the internet, met him in a parking lot giving him $300. for what were supposed to be well rooted White widow clones finding out they have no roots, were probably cut an hour after I called and placed in rockwool.
I have transferred them intact in cube into soil mix and placed them under 600HID. Question am I going to be okay or did I just flush 300 bucks??


Well-Known Member
unless you bought about 20 clones you got jiped and thats ONLY if all the clones you bought root. So im gonna say yes sorry.


Well-Known Member
ugh why would you do that... you could of brought some mega good seed strains with 300 bucks.


Well-Known Member
atleast you got plants instead of a pistol to the head....when it comes down to it most of us are criminals in one way or another, some just worse than others,its not like you can call the BBB,just read up on here and hopefully youll get some good roots, good luck


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
hopefuly they will root, maybe cop some clone gel or something and redip them, maybe even a fresh cut. hope u got like ten? Are they good looking clones at least? or did he sell you over nuted/sick plants as well? hopefuly he didnt clone a male. If its true tho, you can easily make your money back and call it a lesson learned

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I just hope your benefactor didn't just cut up some ditch weed branches he found on the side of the road and presented it to you as White Widow. That's a lot of money for hemp.


Well-Known Member
You'd be in such good shape if you just spent the 300 on seeds from the attitude seedbank. With the pick and mix feminized, and all the freebies.. white widow really isn't that great of a strain anyway. It was impressive in the early 90's but we've moved way past it at this point. I'm sorry you wasted your cash my friend...


I'm a noob so all I can say is good luck with your new plants. Hopefully they turn out alright for ya. But lucky it wasn't a cop or like someone else posted above a guy with a gun. I got a few seeds from online and am gonna experiment with bagseed untill I am confident enough to risk my good ones.

As for the strains... sadly all the stuff I smoked never came with the names of the strains... some was dynamite and some was pretty gimp. Now I am doing what I cna to read up on what is good and what sucks. Next time I'll try and order some seeds for a better strain.


Well-Known Member
agreed. man thats way to much light!!! they need some good humidity as well never know dude who you got them from might have had a bad ass strain best of luck to you though.


Active Member
yu got it bad for 300 here i get 50 and i look at them even pull on them and take a few out of the try and look to see if they are roots coming out of the cube if not i consider them babies no matter the size and there only worth 3 dollars and what you got are cutting and for 50 of those is like 30 bucks.

never feel bad treating the other gut like a criminal if it keeps you from getting ripped off and clones anr a good way to go but stick to a know source medical depenceery. have there fone # or email ill help u im sure will all help.


Well-Known Member
If you paid $300 for a clone, from a total stranger no less, you probably deserved to be ripped off. Please smarten up, and I really mean no offense to you, it just isn't a smart way to conduct yourself. For one thing, this is a hobby that must be done in total secrecy, so stay anonymous, for your own sake.

You can spend $50 and have a bunch of seeds from a reputable seed bank, and that way you will have an idea that you have the genetics you paid for. This cat you met could have sold you a clone of some bag seed for all you know.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So far as i'm concerned, it equates to about $300 for a single clone or cutting as it turns out. Why would anyone buy more than 1 of a clone when they can just clone their clone for free?


Update. My clones (20 of them) are doing well putting out roots and staying stable. I am nursing them a bit but they do look very nice. What the hell the Gods may have smiled on me. The reason I bought the way I did is because I am anxious to get started. I have ordered seeds and it takes nearly 2 months to receive them and these were supposedly ready to pot (no pun intended). Addressing the issue of choice WW seems to be pretty popular in this area with the medical crowd. I have also started Nevilles Haze, Chernobyl, White Rhino and Sugar Kush. If anyone has anymore suggestions I'm anxious to hear.