ripped off lobster price

lol....that doesn't end til they're about 25 or so. i told my kids "you're an adult when you don't need me for shit"
lol thats true but mine are only 5 and 7 was busyt
lol....that doesn't end til they're about 25 or so. i told my kids "you're an adult when you don't need me for shit"
for the past 7 years ive been busy everyday and i hate it ive missed so much i hope you got to experience more than me with your kids they grow so fast
That reminds me, it is almost soft-shell blue crab season. I hate to cut their little faces off when they are still alive, but they are delicious.

This is the best pollock joke I could find:
The first Alaska pollock space probe went into orbit with two piscenauts. One Alaska pollock took a space swim to repair the gefiltarator on the capsule's exterior. When he was done he knocked on the airlock's inner door. The other Alaska pollock asked, "Who's there?"
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Sounds like you need to be a middleman and not a producer.

Buy lobsters from all the disgruntled people getting 3.50 a lb and offer to buy for 4 a lb and then sell to grocery and restaurants for $11/lb.
I didn't even know lobsters were soft shell.. The ones I buy I get @ mejers and they are frozen..I thaw in fridge overnight n cook in some butter.

I use a scissors to cut a couple slits in shell before cooking so shell peels off kinda easy after cooking in a pan.

2 inches water in a pan boiling and throw them in bring back to boil for another 15 min...perfect!

was up in bah hahbah over the summer and never tasted better lobster. northern maine lobster decimates all.

my father was a lobster fisherman out of MA growing up and those lobsters righr out of the trap didnt even compare.

was pricey at $10/lb. but damn was it delicious. soon as you got off the island lobster tanks to $6/lb.
what the fk u talking about,ya no fisherman,soft shell have a lot less meat but are better tasting full of crap right at ya from maine
I'm been living in Maine for 18 years now, and jacksmuff is right.... He said you get MORE PER POUND, and he is correct, no shell weight on soft shell, all meat, so pound for pound you get more with softshell.
what the fk u talking about,ya no fisherman,soft shell have a lot less meat but are better tasting full of crap right at ya from maine

while not meaning to question. i was wondering the same thing. its not an always but most of the time I pull bigger claws of meat from hard shell. which is why hard shell is more/lb.

thiugh a couple summers ago I paid 3.99/lb and they were soft shell and whatever the claw looked like in shell I pulled the same size piece of meat out. it was wonderful. ate like 7 lobsters that day.
while not meaning to question. i was wondering the same thing. its not an always but most of the time I pull bigger claws of meat from hard shell. which is why hard shell is more/lb.

thiugh a couple summers ago I paid 3.99/lb and they were soft shell and whatever the claw looked like in shell I pulled the same size piece of meat out. it was wonderful. ate like 7 lobsters that day.
u got luckey:bigjoint: