What the

is that bullshit. The last I

heard it was the last thursday of every month. We got all these

clones to hand out and these

don't know how to propely manage a

web page. I emailed joanne and called them and I still haven't heard back. This is some

. We got the cards to hold onto the

plants but why the

can't we keep a schedule this is why I don't get involved with groups of people. I very rarely get impressed with managment anywhere in life why should they be diffrent. The worst mother fucking part about it is hope st 5 mins from me mother

. Ill grow these

in keg cups for people but man that's some b

. I'm getting involved some body needs a swift kick in the

. My work has a hall we could use can house 290 people as long as we use it on a dead night I can pull it off. I'm

pissed and I'm now gonn get invloved people aren't gonna like me but I get

done the right way the first
