
Well-Known Member
I considered moving this to politics or religions and aliens then I realized that I am not a mod. By the way, our friend Mr Frankland is now taking donations for 'medical charitys (sic)' so please give generously.


Well-Known Member
What? Are you kidding me? Please, go read the story of this shooter and then tell me how being American is bad? Kid loves his life since freaking highschool happy, and fully naturalized. When his parents send him home, he became brainwashed....that is not the fault of America! That is these people being allowed to tribe and prosper because of their culture!
To me, that either means we need to implement a no-fly zone for civilians to the Middle East, or we need to treat it like a colony...

You say a hundred years, but here's my point....the Islmaic religion has been around for much longer than a 100years...but look what religion does when it is not seperated from government. It has made their place a living hell. From the radicals such as ISIS and Al-Queda to the Palensinian and Hebrew conflicts, religion is the reason why these people are still wiping their asses with their hands and actually thinking that their acts of terror and fear will get them anything but a bullet in the head. A 100years! Lmao, dude, the Soviets weren't even over there till the 70s....
American and European interests have been fucking with the middle east since the mid 1800's, before the fall of the ottoman empire, before WW1, then after WW1 it was dissolved by Allied forces and divided up with only western interests in mind. Western governments have been responsible or the majority of regime changes and conflicts over there for 100 years.

All religion is corrupt and needs to go..personal spirituality is what matters.