Rinsing and soaking WBS a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
When making grain jars with wild bird seed it is a waste of time to rinse it, soak it over night and remove sun flower seeds. I used to let it soak and remove the sun flower seeds, then I switched to just rinsing it. Now I just dump what I need in a pot, boil for half an hour and its good to go.

The pressure cooker kills everything that could possibly live in the bird seed which is the point of doing it. I like to see exactly what little I can get away with doing since my free time is important to me. Its nice being able to make 21 qt jars from start to finish in about 2 1/2 hours, thats with a 1 1/2 hour pressure cook time.

Recently tried a few jars with no polly fill hole in the lid just to see if they would colonize and found that them jars show no sign of life except one but its pretty weak compaired to the others. now I know the polly fill hole is somthing that needs to be done but I still don't inject thru it, I just crack the lid and squirt inside of the jar.