Right wing site


Well-Known Member
Tell ya what, Med ... If ever you attain the ability to put together a cogent political thought, we'll consider letting you stay on and hanging with us. Until then, just keep your head in the sand and your ass high in the air. Obama loves a good target. :lol:

Why's he always "picking on" us, Vi? :lol:


Well-Known Member
My Iq just dropped drastically after reading that , so did my buzz. Who gives a damm. Lets get weed legal all through UN and they we can bicker about who gets what. Heck maybe everyone will get jobs here or there if legalized. New industry! 2.5% decline in unemployment guranteed with all the new jobs and the ones opened by those fleeing their old jobs to fill any positions in the industry.


Well-Known Member
thats wats wrong with politricks even yall are seperated,(right/left)....nonsense,,,,,i dont know wat to tell u medicineman,,,im neither a right wing or a leftwing,nor a idiot,,, u have the right to pick and choose wat u read,thread u visit ect.everyones been fussying and fighting about this and that thread,,,,,get and give the information needed to grow herb and keep ya politricks at home no1 wants to hear that fuckery....


Well-Known Member
was withcu grammer pussy's that comment on peoples typo's? look at the next post idiot boy,,,u dont have to read imans post in its fullness if something pokes at ya mama man feelings sskip the post

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Seriously...wtf is with the multiple commas? It makes you look retarded.
Look at your views and opinions within this forum, then look at how you treat people.
This seems to be a common trend with people such as yourself.

I guess the second best thing to being right, is insulting someone's intelligence.

what... huh?

Active Member
Oh come on... the dude is all but unintelligible.

I guarantee he can be more lucid... he is just too lazy, so I have to try harder to read it.

This isn't audio, or video, or an impressionist project. We are communicating with words.

Fucking use them.

what... huh?

Active Member
Just so everyone is aware:

An elipsis, which indicates an interruption or that there is something missing in a sentence is three periods.


Not 7, not semi-colons... three periods.


Well-Known Member
Just so everyone is aware:

An elipsis, which indicates an interruption or that there is something missing in a sentence is three periods.


Not 7, not semi-colons... three periods.
An elipsis...:blsmoke: That's some jeopardy shit right there.


Well-Known Member
Look at your views and opinions within this forum, then look at how you treat people.
This seems to be a common trend with people such as yourself.

I guess the second best thing to being right, is insulting someone's intelligence.
People such as myself huh? Sure thing boss.


Well-Known Member
shitQQQQQQQQwat iz this spellin class%%%%%%%%dun worry bout how I spell=======
I thought it was geography, and I was supposed to be inspecting some globular shaped structures in a picture, but if its spelling class. Why are we all still here?

It is a poor mind indeed that can not come up with at least two ways to spell the same word.


Active Member
yeh too right,fuck all the politicians,and god,do i hate the general british public,they see no problem with 2 legal NERVE POISONS,but turn there noses up at the safest and most wonderful medical drug know to the human race,makes me wanna beat them within an inch of their life,it really does.