Right Twix or Left Twix


Well-Known Member
My wife bought a bag of Halloween candy the other day,because it was on sale.It had a mix of snickers regular and crunchy Twix and m&ms.She dumped it in a bucket and put it between our recliners so we could just grab a snack while watching T.V.and messing around with the eye pads,(I know it's i,Or is it Really! )anyway,last night she looked at the candy bowl and said,"I see you aren't eating the Twix,How come?I thought you liked Twix!"I looked over at her , and said "I do But I only like Left Twix,The Right ones taste funny to me.And all the Twix in that bag are right Twix."I said "Next time make sure their are At Least a few Left Twix in the bag"After getting over the Shock,That I just said that,She Started Laughing and said "God I don't know what you do more in excess,Smoke Weed or Watch T.V. So Regardless of that,What is Your Favorite,Right Twix or Left Twix ? Or do you just not like Twix?