ridiculously low tolerance to substances

Hi there
I have noticed that i have really low tolerance to drugs in general.
1.5 glasses of wine get me drunk less than 0,1 g of weed gets me extremly high.
I can usually make one gram last one month.
I wonder what contributes to an users inicial tolerance , his wieght , his body mass ?
Im very slim could that be it?
Not that im complaining xD

joliet jake

Active Member
yea size and weight is one aspect to tolerance but also how much you use or how often you use it plays a huge part as well.
Alcohol is primarily on size and weight.


Active Member
First I wanna say

you lucky sob!!! ;)

With the wine, yeah w/o a doubt that is your small frame and general small body mass, I'd think. The bigger you are the more traveling the blood has to do....but I dunno.

As for the herbs, again you lucky sob....how long you been smoking?

We all used to get super irie from .1 of a gram....but that was when we started smoking.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The individual also plays quite the aprt. Some people are lightweights, others are not. I've knon skinny people who can put a bottle of whisky away, and fat people who are on their face after their second pint.
I've heard aside from body mass/size & quantities consumed, it is also due to how your liver functions by removing the substances from your system....but then, it's what I've heard....dunno if it's factual.


Well-Known Member
Lucky...i've always had an abnormally high tolerance to all drugs. Except shrooms for some reason. An eighth will send me to another galaxy :dunce:


Well-Known Member
A lot of it is size and weight.. Current brain functions is another one. If you are young, .1 of weed will leave you unable to speak(me a few years back lol)

Ive noticed some of my really goofy friends have rediculously low tolerances too. Its like the more goofy they are, the more the drugs effect them. I used to be STRONGLY effected by everything. But through the years, I haven't experienced as many issues with that one haha

Just keep smokin man :p

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
I know that some people lack an enzyme that helps break down alcohol in the body, usually among asian descent. My dad once told me that people who get drunk off small amounts of liquor, usually mean that individual is an alcoholic.. I don't know how true that is, but I've known alcoholics who start acting super drunk after they've had a beer. Also there is a placebo effect, you could just *think* you're really high. I've known people who act stupid after you give them nothing but say you did. "Here, drink this, it'll get you so drunk!" and its just prune juice, LOL. Or people who roll GRASS, literally fucking grass, and people start acting stoned. Or smoke in front of a nonsmoker and they start thinking they're getting high. Or so-called "third-hand smoke" where they smell the smoke on you after you smoked, and they think they're getting high. People are dumb, generally.