Ridiculously early Harvest, or leave them be?


Active Member
Ok so i have 4 baaaaaby plants, i mean babies, just barley getting their 2nd and 3rd pair of leaves, they are about 3 or 4 inches high, what im wondering is, in about a week im leaving the area, and wont be back till late November, should i practice a little infanticide (not that im hoping to really get anything out of it, its more of a sentimental want for ineffectual results thing) or should i let them keep on growing outside un-attended and hope that their frozen remains leave me anything at all when i finally come back? im from northern new england so they will probably be under a foot of snow when i get back. Now, they actually have some chance of surviving on their own till the cold kills them, but will their dead bodies be of any use? or will the cold ruin it?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I think ther cold will jack the taste and flavor but I would bet it still gets you stoned if its quality. I recently got some good bud wet that was in a ice chest [ Long Story] Anyway it tasted like crap when it dried but it still worked quite good.


Well-Known Member
Chuck em. They aren't going to grow at all after the first frost, which in that part of the country could be october sometime, 1 month isn't going to be enough time to make any buds of consequence and thats assuming they are even females.