Riddle me this

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You stand at a fork in the road. Next to each of the two forks, there stands a guard.
You know the following things:

1. One path leads to Paradise, the other to Death. From where you stand, you cannot distinguish between the two paths. Worse, once you start down a path, you cannot turn back.

2. One of the two guards always tells the truth. The other guard always lies.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to distinguish between the two guards.
You have permission to ask one guard one question to ascertain which path leads to Paradise.

Remember that you do not know which guard you're asking -- the truth-teller or the liar -- and that this single question determines whether you live or die.

The question is:
What one question asked of one guard guarantees that you are led onto the path to Paradise, regardless of which guard you happen to ask?

Riddle me this.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You ask Guard 1, what guard 2 would say if you asked him which path leads to paradise.

And vice versa.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hey you stole my trick. LOL Whats with you and the Navajo anyways? Lakota Sioux represent. ;)
My Dad and Mom both speak Navajo. My dad also speaks Zuni. :p I have to use photoshop and make a jpeg for it to work because there are letters that don't exist in the English language.


Well-Known Member
You stand at a fork in the road. Next to each of the two forks, there stands a guard.
You know the following things:

1. One path leads to Paradise, the other to Death. From where you stand, you cannot distinguish between the two paths. Worse, once you start down a path, you cannot turn back.

2. One of the two guards always tells the truth. The other guard always lies.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to distinguish between the two guards.
You have permission to ask one guard one question to ascertain which path leads to Paradise.

Remember that you do not know which guard you're asking -- the truth-teller or the liar -- and that this single question determines whether you live or die.

The question is:
What one question asked of one guard guarantees that you are led onto the path to Paradise, regardless of which guard you happen to ask?

Riddle me this.
If the one guard always lies, then you simply ask a question which you already know the answer to.

i.e. If both guards are male, you simply ask the one if he is a male. The one guard will tell the truth and say he's male, the other will lie and say something else.

That's how you find out which guard lies and which guard tells the truth. But that still leaves you with two paths and no more questions.


Well-Known Member
You ask Guard 1, what guard 2 would say if you asked him which path leads to paradise.

And vice versa.

but isn't it once committed to either path/guard no turning back? What if you run into the liar? Cant he lie and send you down the road anyways?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
but isn't it once committed to either path/guard no turning back? What if you run into the liar? Cant he lie and send you down the road anyways?

From my understanding of the above text, there are two guards standing side by side. With a path behind each of them. You ask one each question. Then choose your path.


Well-Known Member