Cancer is tough, I've had a few family members who have battled it and one that has gotten the upper hand. Another thing cancer is, is big business. If you have any doubt about that look into The Gerson Therapy (Max Gerson), good info that has been effectively discredited/buried for 50+ years. Stanislaw Burzynski is another good name to familiarize oneself with, also a good documentary made about his battle with big pharma. Harry Hoxey, and the list goes on and on. Rick Simpson's oil is very promising, the wonderful things being unveiled in recent years about THC and other chemicals present in marijuana proves that nature has more answers then we currently know how to ask, and that there is much more to "Chinese Medicine", and other native herblore that have stood the test of time for thousands of years. In the Americas the natives would watch the animals to see what they ate when they were hungry or sick, apart from also being guided by visions and sometimes the plants themselves. From this knowledge comes an easy assumption, if we live closer to the earth, both in mind and body then these things never become a problem in the first place. Our diets nowadays consist of things completely foreign to our last 200,000 years of "evolution". Take a look at cancer rate vs ethnicity from any source and you will begin to see...