Rhino seedling - slow start


Please excuse my long detailed post. I just wanted to give you all all the information I could about this problem I have, in hopes that somebody can tell me what I might be missing or doing wrong here. I've got a White Rhino (greenhouse colored) that cracked open great after 1 day in cup of water and 1 day in paper towel.

So...Day 1 - I made custom soil mix of 2 parts 100% Organic Spaghnum Peat Moss, 1 Part Perlite, 1 tiny pinch of dolomite lime (pelletized). I put that in a 18 oz dixie cup (holes drilled) with a small clear cup I found at wally world on top as a humidity dome, buried the seed ever so gently, and put it in the bottom half of my container (so the lights would be closer). Lighting: 2 - 26w CFL 6500k's on it at 24/0 (for warmth). Temps stayed around 72-79F.

Day 3 - Sprouted up - Soil still moist to touch so no water. Turned down my light to 18/6 (might have been my mistake???). Temps ranged 61-77F.

Day 5 - Opened up with 2 main leaves barely showing as pictured. Top of soil was barely dry so added just a couple small squirts of water around the seedling. Temps same.

Day 6 - No change in plant. Raised light up (2 containers high). Took off humidity dome. Made have 4 26w CFL's. Temps range 68-74F.

Day 8 - Today - looks exactly the same as Day 5. Top of soil looked barely dry so added couple squirts of water. Temps same as day 6.

So I guess I just wanted to know if it is normal for seedlings to just stop growing at such a young stage for 3 or more days. Could I have stunted it with the lighting change or other changes I have made? I also read a couple posts about GH seeds being really hard to grow. I did notice after the coating came off the opened seed that it was a little green (no spotting), but it was decent sized. I have a little bit of farming experience (mainly food plots for deer), but I am by NO MEANS a green thumb. I just really want to hear what you all have to say - advice, suggestions, etc. I'm really sorry if I'm over analyzing this - I have a terrible tendency to do this!



Well-Known Member
ok, your problem is your light is WAY to far away from the plant, you have no reflectors on the bulbs and the bulbs are oriented the wrong way. Most of the light radiates of the side of the bulb. You only need one bulb right on top of the cup sideways. Are they 6500 K (Daylight) bulbs.


Yes, they are 6500K. Thank you for the response! I had never thought or read anything specifically about the CFL's needing to face sideways, but now that you say it, it sounds so OBVIOUS. Im figured I over-analyzed it. btw - before I read this post I had already changed it to 6- 26w 6500k's using Y shaped splitters. I'll add a couple pics I just snapped. I also put her on a bucket so Its maybe 6 or 8 incest away from the diagonally faced CFL's. Should I just get rid of that in place of a sideways CFL or will my current changes work? I would just yank her out and put her under my light with 4 - 4' T8's, but its suppose to get frigid tonight and the basement isn't well insulated. But I can swap out the fixtures real quick if that's what she needs! :joint:



I do realize I probably started a little too big with the White sisters. Just getting tired of this ol' cheap appalachian bag weed. Good stuff is all gone. Well, I've still got a pinch of it... which I just took a riff on.

I am expecting some NL and lowryder to arrive any day now. I'm hoping that might allow me a little more room for rookie mistakes. My goal is to get to cloning status by the time my outdoor season is here... So I can plant them fried green 'maters of coarse!


Well-Known Member
You want to make sure the soil is actually getting almost dry. If you keep wetting the top you are locking the water in. It might lead to waterlogging.

Water soil till moist and allow it to almost dry out.


ok, Thanks! I had thought that could have happened in the past, so I have been letting this one dry, but just at the surface. Also, I just changed it for the last time hopefully... I went ahead and took the splitters and combined them so one light is parallel to the ground, and I put the girl a couple inches away from the plant. Maybe the reason my soil seemed to never dry out was partly cuz of how far the light was away! Thanks a bunch guys! Any more advice or pointers?