RH problem!!!!


Active Member
I'm having problems keeping my humidity at 50 percent....my rh is very low, only 16 to 23 percent max...I even tried a humidifier....rh jumped to 20... Just curious on what to do...5th week flowering...??


Active Member
Yea but that only raises it for about 20 min, then it's bak down again...I've heard of using wet towels or a bowl of water but I don't wanna do any of that ghetto crap... I thought bout putting another humidifier it it...


Well-Known Member
Well depending on the size of your grow space you must have a very small or crappy humidifier, I picked one up at a thrift store for $5 and set on hi the dam thing will raise the RH in my whole room, what kind of humidifier is yours? If its a cool mist one with a fan and a sponge filter like thing (called a wick) then you might as well through it away, they totally suck especially for growing (Ive used three different ones and they didn't work for shit), if its a warm mist one where is has a heating unit that produces steam then that's better but its obviously not powerful enough for you, the best ones are ultrasonic but of course there pretty expensive, they vibrate the water at an ultrasonic frequency which causes evaporation, they work very well and produce the most even and consistent humidity of them all, I have a warm mist one with hi, med & low settings and it works great. Forget about the bowl of water or wet towels, just a PITA and they work for shit anyway, it sounds to me like you just need to get a better or different humidifier, I suggest you check out some local thrift stores but if you have the money to buy new go online, wall mart etc. If you can't afford a ultrasonic then get a warm mist one, avoid the cool mist (wick sponge and fan) models at all costs. Hope this helps, GL.


Well-Known Member
I'm having problems keeping my humidity at 50 percent....my rh is very low, only 16 to 23 percent max...I even tried a humidifier....rh jumped to 20... Just curious on what to do...5th week flowering...??

Uhm I'm just going to throw this out there but if you are in 5th week of flowering you dont wont high RH. During veg MJ likes 40-60% RH and in flowering 20-40% RH is about right. The higher your RH during flowering the more chance of bud rot, mold, fungus. All kinds of things you don't want to lose an entire crop to after you have waited so long.

Now am I saying that you can't have a successful crop without these conditions, no I'm not. Just that optimal conditions are that but of course we never achieve optimal conditions but MJ is an amazing plant and can adapt to many different things.

I wouldn't worry to much about low humidity if you are 5th week of flowering.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Listen to this guy. In flowering you want the humidity below 50% or you might run into problems with powdery mildew or mold.


Active Member
i would have to say that for different times of the grow different RH levels should be reached. Sativa gave some great info on humidifiers for when you crop and grow again.. but the others are correct.. lower RH is best for 5th week flower.



Well-Known Member
My RH never gets above 50% and I can get some mold on bigger buds if they do not get enough air circulation.
I have been told lower humidity makes for more resin production in flowering. I don't know it might be a bullshit rumor.

I would never humidify during flowering, I dehumidify.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I didn't even notice the OP mentioned he's 5wks into flower :oops:, that said I would definitely heed their advice, general consensus says 25-40% (depending on strain) is ideal for flowering, 50-60% for Vegging, when your humidity is too high you run the risk of getting mold, rot, powdery mildew etc., when its too low bugs can become a problem and Ive also heard (not sure if its fact) that too low RH can prevent the plants stomata from opening fully (or not at all) reducing its ability to transfer co2/o2.

I have been told lower humidity makes for more resin production in flowering. I don't know it might be a bullshit rumor
Not only have I heard this before, I have a friend who's RH got up to 75% during flowering, the smoke was just OK, however the next run with same strain off same mother and same everything, except this time he used a dehumidifier and the smoke was obviously more potent, it would seem high RH inhibits/slows resin production for some reason.