Satyaghara is not really a society, it is a philosophy for non-violent, compassion resistance. I doubt that western culture could apply satyaghara, and stay true to it. For one thing, Satyaghara holds nobody liable. You convert, not defeat your opponent. Ever hear of the law of suffering? This is one of the components of Satyaghara. Are you saying that people should resign to endure all of the suffering they can, in hopes that the powers that be will one day realize that what they are doing is wrong, and voluntarily change their ways for the good?
Under Satyaghara, if they take your house and you squat there when they leave, or you turn your power back on after they turn it off, then what your protest creates is a new system based on the re-theft of things that were taken from you. You would not be sufficiently oppressed for the opposition to develop a conscience about what they are doing to you. The means does not justify the end, the means IS the end. If you solve problems by creating laws, then what you create is a police state. If you solve problems by giving money to the needy, then you create a welfare state.
I read a book once called The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer. The book revisits economic ups and downs through history, and the impact that those ups and downs have had on societies through the ages. As populations grow and resources diminish, economies have a way of reducing populations through social unrest. People that wish to participate in riot and violent revolution against the government will surely die. Once enough people die so that the resources can support the population again, everyone that is left will share that wealth. It has been proven over and over again. Through his faithful suffering, the Satyaghara practitioner will prevail.
As the FED keeps interest rates low to artificially keep the dollar solvent, the economic wave will grow and grow. The bigger that wave is when it hits landfall, the more people will be washed out, and fewer people will be left. Fewer people? More resources to go around. I think that 'They' are in a mode to try to maximize the damage for when the inevitable happens.