**REVISED with new pics** Problems during flowering. Please HELP ASAP!!


This is the same posting as before however there are additional attached photos that will hopefully help as some of you asked to see pics of the plant and not just the leaf.

This has just been happening during the flowering stage. It started by the leaves turning yellow with brown spots now the ends are curling upward and appear to be burned. All plants have been flushed with just water and not given any nutrients. It did not help at all. Today gave 1/2 of the normal amount of veg, normal concentration of bloom and catalyst.



Active Member
you have a combination of a calcium / Manganese deficiency problem. You need to get a Calcium / Manganese booster. You are in the serious deficiency zone and need to add this quick. It looks like it has already affect the entirety of your plant. You probably already lost the majority and quality of your yield. I have had a similar problem myself and used Botanicare's Cal/Mag in addition to my regular nutrients.

Good luck man!